head of the department
Candidate of Economic Sciences
аssociate Professor

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Educational programs

6В04106 - Accounting and audit: bachelor's degree. The program is related to the study of the theory and practice of accounting and auditing in enterprises and organizations of all forms of ownership. A feature of the program is the opportunity to receive a double-degree education with European universities, to undergo an internship or internship in large appraisal companies in the country, to gain practical experience in the process of studying at a university, 100% employment of graduates in Kazakhstan and abroad.
During their studies, students will study such relevant disciplines as: Management Accounting, Financial Accounting, 1C: Accounting, International Financial Reporting Standards, Accounting in Construction, Accounting in Trade, Accounting in Tourism, Accounting in Restaurant and Hotel Business, Agricultural accounting, Audit, Government procurement, Government accounting, Financial management, etc.
The program is coordinated with major employers, it allows students to gain knowledge and additional competencies during their studies also in the direction of "financial manager".
In the course of training, the student will learn: to organize the accounting and audit process at the enterprise, the process of processing primary information, accounting registers and accounting forms, developing accounting policies, solving practical issues of the economic activity of the organization; will know national and international financial reporting standards, international auditing standards, as well as other legislative and regulatory documents in the field of accounting and auditing; professionally maintain accounting records and prepare financial statements of the organization in accordance with national and international financial reporting standards; learn to process, form, analyze and audit financial statements in accordance with national and international financial reporting standards in order to make management decisions, develop recommendations to improve the financial and economic situation of the enterprise; plan and conduct an audit, evaluate the organization's internal control system, competently draw up an audit report.
Upon completion of the bachelor's degree, graduates receive a bachelor's degree in business and management and can work as accountants and auditors in commercial, industrial and budgetary organizations, in audit and consulting companies, in state and local authorities, in financial and tax institutions, in banks and insurance companies, in service organizations, company leaders.

6В04107 - «State audit»: bachelor's degree. The program is related to the study of the theory and practice of government audit and financial control of the execution of the republican budget and the use of assets of the state and subjects of the quasi-public sector; implementation of state, government and budget programs, plans for the development of national holdings and companies, the shareholder of which is the state; as well as with an assessment of the reliability, validity of financial statements, accounting and financial condition of the object of governmental audit; with verification of compliance by the object of governmental audit with the norms of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. A feature of the program is the opportunity to get a double-degree education with European universities, to undergo an internship or internship in the Auditing Commissions, the Department of Internal State Audit, as well as large companies in the country, gaining practical experience in the process of studying at a university, 100% employment of graduates in Kazakhstan and abroad.
During the training, students will study such relevant disciplines as: State Audit, State Financial Control, 1C: Accounting, IT Audit, International Auditing Standards, State Audit Standards, Performance Audit, Financial Statement Audit, Compliance Audit, Public Procurement, Management Accounting, Financial Accounting, International Financial Reporting Standards, Industry Accounting, etc.
The program is coordinated with major employers, it allows students to gain knowledge and additional competencies during their studies also in the direction of "internal auditor".
In the course of training, the student will learn to plan and conduct all types and types of governmental audit and financial control, assess the functioning of the internal control and management system based on the risk management system of internal processes (business processes), competently draw up audit reports, audit opinion, report on results internal audit; learns the competence of the Accounts Committee, the Audit Commission, the authorized body for internal governmental audit and the internal audit service; will master the methods of research of procedures of governmental audit and financial control of assets of the state and subjects of the quasi-public sector, formulate recommendations and proposals.
Upon completion of the bachelor's degree, graduates receive a bachelor's degree in business and management and can work as state auditors, auditors, internal auditors: in the Accounts Committee for Control over the Execution of the Republican Budget; in the Auditing Commission; in the Department of Internal Government Audit of the Ministry of Finance; at large enterprises in various fields of activity.

6В04108 - «Assessment»: bachelor's degree.  The program is related to the study of the theory and practice of the valuation of all types of property, including companies, movable, immovable property, intellectual property valuation. A feature of the program is the opportunity to receive a double-degree education with European universities, to undergo an internship or internship in large appraisal companies in the country, to gain practical experience in the process of studying at a university, 100% employment of graduates in Kazakhstan and abroad.
During the training, students will study such relevant disciplines as: Business Appraisal, Real Estate Appraisal; Assessment of machinery, equipment and vehicles; Valuation of intellectual property; Estimated business; Technical supervision of real estate; Metrology, standardization, certification; Product quality assessment; Inspection and assessment of the technical condition of buildings and structures; Pricing and appraisal in construction; Expertise of real estate; Real estate inventory; Assessment of the financial assets of the enterprise; Assessment of seismic resistance of buildings and structures; Land valuation and land registry; Assessment of natural resources and subsoil; Assessment of labor resources and many others.
The program is coordinated with major employers, it allows students to gain knowledge and additional competencies during their studies in the direction of "Estimate business".
In the course of training, the student will learn to: conduct a qualified analysis, collection of information and market survey for the assessment of all types of property; apply sound approaches and methods to the appraisal of all types of property; make estimates when determining the value of all types of property; competently draw up a report on the assessment of all types of property; will know the trends in the development of valuation activities; will know national and international valuation standards, legal framework and other normative documents in the areas of valuation activity.
Graduates receive a bachelor's degree in economics and can work as an expert appraiser of movable and immovable property, machinery, equipment and vehicles, intangible assets and intellectual property, business, manager, top and middle-level specialist of an enterprise, firms and organizations of various industries and forms of ownership.

7В04106 - «Accounting and Auditing»: Master's degree.The program is related to the study of production and management, accounting and analytical, organizational, financial and economic, administrative, research and teaching activities, including the study of accounting for business transactions at enterprises of various organizational and legal forms and sectors of the economy, the acquisition of skills in drawing up financial reporting and the ability to analyze and audit it, using modern methods, tools and programs for accounting, auditing and information processing using International Financial Reporting Standards and International Auditing Standards.
In the course of training, the students will learn how to organize accounting, analytical and control processes at enterprises of any form of ownership; will acquire the skills of planning financial and economic processes; make scientifically grounded conclusions about the financial stability of the organization; make optimal management decisions; manage and control the activities of the organization as a whole; plan and conduct an audit, correctly draw up an audit report; conduct independent research work; apply modern pedagogical technologies, psychological methods and techniques when conducting classes in economic disciplines.
A feature of the program is the opportunity to get a double-degree education with European universities. Students have the opportunity to study some of the subjects in English.
Graduates receive a Master of Science degree and can hold the following positions: chief accountant, financial manager, chief financier, economist-analyst, head of various divisions of enterprises of various forms of ownership and industry affiliation, researcher at research institutes, teacher at universities.

7В04107 - «State audit»: Master's degree.The program is related to the study of assessment, monitoring, comparison, verification and analysis: planning, formation, distribution, execution of the republican budget and the use of assets of the state and subjects of the quasi-public sector; implementation of state, government and budget programs, strategic plans of central state bodies, plans for the development of national holdings and companies, the shareholder of which is the state; as well as with an assessment of the reliability, validity of financial statements, accounting and financial condition of the object of governmental audit; with verification of compliance by the object of governmental audit with the norms of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
In the course of training, the undergraduate will learn how to plan and conduct all types of governmental audit, assess the functioning of the internal control and management system based on the risk management system of internal processes (business processes), competently draw up audit reports, an audit report, master the methods of researching governmental audit procedures and financial control of assets of the state and subjects of the quasi-public sector; analyze the results of scientific research, taking into account their evidence and evaluate the results obtained from the standpoint of their effectiveness; conduct independent research work; apply modern pedagogical technologies, psychological methods and techniques when conducting classes in economic disciplines.
A feature of the program is the opportunity to get a double-degree education with European universities. Students have the opportunity to study some of the subjects in English.
Graduates receive a Master of Science degree and can hold positions: expert, auditor, internal auditor, state auditor: in the Accounts Committee for Control over the Execution of the Republican Budget; in the Auditing Commission; in the Department of Internal State Audit of Ministries, at large enterprises of various fields of activity, an economist-analyst, head of various divisions of enterprises of various forms of ownership and industry affiliation, a researcher at research institutes, a teacher at universities.