Additional education programs

List of Topics of Advanced Training Courses Karaganda Buketov University

Courses name


Full name of mentor

Volume in hours


Fundamentals of Design and Programming of Digital Robotics Devices

The course is designed to master the basics of digital electronics and the basic standards for the interaction of digital devices.


The introductory material will provide overview information linking the main material with the practical application of the results in the development of modern digital devices, gadgets, robotic devices, etc. Conventionally, the course consists of three sections: studying the theoretical foundations of protocols for writing and reading data, designing digital circuits and printed circuit boards, and programming the STM32 microcontroller.


Makhanov K.М.,

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences,

Associate Professor


72 hours


Preparation of teachers of physics for passing the qualification exam

This course is intended for high school teachers as well as graduate students interested in successfully passing the qualification exam. The course will help to acquire skills in non-traditional sections of physicists, methods of teaching physics and astronomy.

Kudusov А.S.,

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor

72 hours


Innovative technologies in education

Getting acquainted with the content of the types of cognitive activities that allow to achieve quality results in the methodological system of training on innovative technologies, types of cognitive activities in the implementation of innovative methods in the learning process, technologies and methods that provide a certain level of activity.

Kadirbayeva D.А., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor;


Kenzhina K.D.,  Master of Science

72 hours


Actual problems of biological science and modern educational technologies

The course program considers the main achievements in the field of medical and molecular genetics, education, artificial intelligence, medicine and pharmaceutics, provides an understanding of the directions of development of applied areas of biology, presents data on the main laboratory methods of biological research that do not include aspects of molecular genetics, such as electronic and light microscopy, methods of absorption and emission spectroscopy.

Ishmuratova M.Yu., Candidate of Biological Sciences, Professor;


Pogosyan G.P., Candidate of Biological Sciences, Professor;


Aitkulov А.М., Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor;


Abukenova V.S., Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor

72 hours


Fundamentals of modern botany

Reveal the main aspects of plant taxonomy, features of the anatomical structure of plants of various taxonomic groups, features of ecological adaptation to habitat conditions, the basic concepts of phytocenology. Knowledge of botany is the basis for the formation of a scientific worldview, environmental literacy, which is especially important in the modern period for a specialist in any direction.

Ishmuratova М.Yu., Candidate of Biological Sciences, Professor


72 hours


Ecology and the basics of rational nature management

Study of the problems of nature management and optimization of the natural environment for its rational, as well as the integration of natural science knowledge with the basics of nature management and resource conservation.

Ishmuratova М.Yu., Candidate of Biological Sciences, Professor


72 hours


Biotechnology in English

The state and prospects for the development of biotechnology using biological objects and biomolecules in the production of drugs, proteins, amino acids, enzymes, vitamins, hormones by biosynthesis, biological transformation and a combination of methods of biological and chemical transformation of substances.

Ishmuratova М.Yu., Candidate of Biological Sciences, Professor


72 hours



Improvement of the level of theoretical and practical knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of quality control of medicines in terms of the effectiveness and safety of their use, as well as the development of the latest achievements in the field of pharmaceutical analysis, including the analysis of medicinal plant materials.

Ishmuratova М.Yu., Candidate of Biological Sciences, Professor

72 hours


Modern methods in biology (botany, biotechnology and the basics of environmental monitoring).

As part of the course, they gain a theoretical understanding of the classical and newest methods used in different areas of modern biology.

Ishmuratova М.Yu., Candidate of Biological Sciences, Professor

72 hours


Stress management technology in working conditions with ASD children

The course “Technology for managing stress in working conditions with ASD children” presents the basic concepts of a stress management program based on the concept of Hans Selye; diagnostics and analysis of stress factors; diagnosis and analysis of episodes of distress; analysis of the main difficulties in converting stress energy into eustress; basic techniques for getting out of a state of distress; the importance of the search and research state in the management of a stress state in conditions of work with children with ASD; the importance of determining the type of stress strategy in professional activity. This course is designed with the aim of developing theoretical knowledge, practical skills and abilities in the field of special and inclusive education among teachers, psychologists of the general education school, which are a necessary component of the theoretical training of a teacher-defectologist in the process of managing a stress state in conditions of work with children with ASD.

Bobrova V.V.,

 Candidate of
Pedagogical sciences, Associate Professor

72 hours


Features of the organization of the pedagogical process in the context of inclusive education

The course examines the organization of the process of teaching and upbringing of children with special educational needs in an inclusive education. Including: the problem of norms and disorders of the psychophysical development of children; the legal and regulatory framework governing the process of inclusion; basic concepts; methods for identifying and assessing the special needs of students; organizational and managerial issues and conditions for the development of inclusive education; psycho-pedagogical support of subjects of inclusive practice; methods of development and implementation of an individual educational map for a child and methods of adaptation of program material, taking into account the peculiarities of children with various developmental disorders in the organization of training and education in inclusive conditions.

Rymkhanova А.R.,

PhD, Associate Professor


72 hours


Features of the organization of the pedagogical process in the context of inclusive education

The course examines the organization of the process of teaching and upbringing of children with special educational needs in an inclusive education. Including: the problem of norms and disorders of the psychophysical development of children; the legal and regulatory framework governing the process of inclusion; basic concepts; methods for identifying and assessing the special needs of students; organizational and managerial issues and conditions for the development of inclusive education; psycho-pedagogical support of subjects of inclusive practice; methods of development and implementation of an individual educational map for a child and methods of adaptation of program material, taking into account the peculiarities of children with various developmental disorders in the organization of training and education in inclusive conditions.

Rymkhanova А.R.,

Doctor PhD, Associate Professor


72 hours


Pedagogical design of the curriculum

The aim of the course is to develop competencies in the design of training courses. The target audience includes listeners who are interested, work, or plan to work, as well as are trained in this area. The topics of the course touch upon aspects of distance and offline learning: Pedagogical design of the course, its models. Phases of course design.


Objectives and learning outcomes. Effective presentation of educational material. Webinar. Selection of learning strategies. Grading system in the course. Creating test tasks. Feed-back. The course ends with a final assignment.

Omarova М.K., Master of Padagogy and Psychology

72 hours


Pedagogical conflictology

The aim of the course is the development of the communicative competence of teachers, the formation of skills to work with a conflict situation that arises between students, students and teachers, students and parents, between colleagues. The course covers the following topics: The concept and essence of the conflict. Philosophical and sociological study of conflicts. Current Trends in Approaching Conflict: Recognized and Controversial. Teaching effective behavior in conflicts and their resolution. Conflict Resolution Tutorials. Interaction in conflicts. The psychological climate in the team. Professional communication of the teacher. Mediation skills for professionals. Barriers in pedagogical interaction, communication and educational and pedagogical activities. Objectives and approaches to the dispute. Dispute process.

Mirza N.V.,

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor

72 hours


Improving the professional competencies of science teachers in the context of updating the content of secondary education in the Republic of Kazakhstan

 The introduction to the refresher course provides an overview of the content of the updated general education curriculum in science and explains the principle of spiral. When planning general education programs (long-term, medium-term and short-term), special attention is paid to the importance of language goals in teaching the subject.


Effective teaching and learning methods are used in the teaching of natural sciences, and ways to identify and take into account the needs of students are considered. Active learning methods are mastered in exercises designed to develop students' skills in working with information, in the analysis of learning, in the implementation of interdisciplinary communication.


The development of students' research skills is carried out through the provision of lesson resources and the use of graphic organizers in teaching, the use of information and communication technologies.


There are two types of application of criteria-based assessment in the teaching of natural sciences: the concepts of formative and summative assessment, and the preparation of tasks. Achieving the desired results from professional development In the reflection, which is assessed at the level of continuing education courses

Abdikalykov K., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor

72 hours


Alternative ways to resolve conflicts: legal and illegal aspects.

The courses cover the issues and methods of conflict resolution through mediation, which is a modern way of reacting to disagreements, surviving the conflict. Mediation allows you to regulate the dispute in such a way that there was no losing side, which includes the number and psychological task.  In the mediation procedure, we strive not to compromise, but to reach consensus.

Zhaskairat М. – Candidate of Juridical Sciences, Associate Professor

80 hours


Realization of human rights in a modern legal state

In modern conditions, a great role is played by the formation of worldview and modernization of public consciousness on the basis of constitutional principles of the priority of human rights, the formation of the rule of law and civil society in the Republic of Kazakhstan. At the same time, the further expansion of humanistic and democratic principles in law enforcement practice with the aim of realizing the rights and legitimate interests of each individual with a view to the needs and interests of the modern Kazakhstani society.


The aim of the course is to obtain additional professional knowledge and skills in the field of analysis of modern problems in the implementation of human rights, as well as the development of ideological aspects in the formation of ideas about legal statehood, protection and provision of human rights in modern conditions.


The objectives of the course:

- to acquaint students with modern problems of the realization of human rights

-  consider scientific directions in the field of human rights theory;

-   to build knowledge of basic concepts in the theory and history of human rights;

- improving practical skills in the use of scientific analysis and generalization in the field of legal thinking and human rights.


As a result of studying the course, students should:

-know: modern concepts and theories in the field of protection and ensuring human rights;

- be able to: analyze and generalize factual material and scientific provisions put forward by various authors in the field of human rights and legal statehood;

- to be competent: to apply the acquired knowledge in conducting training sessions and carrying out scientific research in the field of protecting and ensuring human rights, the theory of law and the state.

Turlayev А.V.,

 Candidate of Juridical Sciences, Professor

72 hours


Constitutional and legal protection and ensuring the rights of the child in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The purpose of the course is to form the theoretical foundations of constitutional guarantees of children's rights and practical experience in protecting and ensuring the rights of the child in Kazakhstan, taking into account world experience

Objectives: - study of constitutional norms and principles that determine the legal status of minors, domestic law enforcement practice and the experience of other countries in the development and improvement of legal norms and their implementation in the field of protecting and ensuring the rights and freedoms of the child.

- study of the theoretical and practical foundations of juvenile justice in the Republic of Kazakhstan, taking into account world experience.

- study of the activities of the Ombudsman and the Ombudsman for the Rights of the Child in the Republic of Kazakhstan as the most effective domestic mechanisms for protecting the rights of the child.


Addressed to teachers, undergraduates, students, social educators, school teachers, educators in preschool institutions and persons interested in the protection and implementation of children's rights in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Balgimbekova G.U.,

PhD, Associate Professor

72 hours


Administrative responsibility for violation of legislation on religious activity in the Republic of Kazakhstan

The aim of the course is to provide students with a holistic view of administrative responsibility for violating the norms of legislation on religious activity in the Republic of Kazakhstan.


In modern conditions, the role and importance of administrative penalties in the arsenal of legal protection is increasing. That is why it is relevant to study the administrative and legal norms governing the issues of combating administrative offenses in the field of religious activity.

Eremenko N.S., Senior Lecturer

72 hours


Criminal behavior: diagnosis and research


Studying the issues of diagnostics and criminal behavior of the individual and society, transformation of lawful behavior into illegal one. The questions of the use of the polygraph, the analysis of the personality of the criminal, the interaction and the influence of society and its groups are considered.

Arenova L.K.,

Candidate of Juridical Sciences, Associate Professor

72 hours


Problems of combating corruption




This course examines the issues of the concept of corruption in Kazakhstani and foreign legislation, the subject of corruption offenses (the circle of persons subject to responsibility for corruption offenses), the causes and conditions of corruption, anti-corruption measures, as well as international cooperation in the field of combating corruption.

Khasenova А.R., Senior Lecturer


72 hours


Application of labor legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, development of negotiation skills and reaching consensus in labor disputes

The course is aimed at training members of conciliation commissions in the theory and practice of resolving individual and collective labor disputes.


Particular attention will be paid to the application of the labor legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the implementation or amendment of the terms of agreements, labor and (or) collective agreements, acts of the employer. Students will have the opportunity to form and develop skills for reaching consensus, the main negotiation strategies in the resolution of labor disputes.

Karibayeva А.K.,  PhD, Senior Lecturer


Kalguzhinova А.М.

Zhumasheva А.Т.

72 hours


Organization and negotiation

The purpose of the course is to familiarize students with existing developments in the field of modern international negotiations, to form practical skills in their application, to acquaint with the basic theoretical approaches to the analysis of the modern negotiation process, with the problems associated with negotiating, to explain the structure of the negotiation process.

Tuleuova B.Т., Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor

72 hours


Actual problems of the world history and international relations methodology

The purpose of the course is to acquire additional professional knowledge and skills in the field of topical issues of the methodology of world history and international relations.


The objectives of the course are to familiarize students with the basic modern concepts of international relations; the formation of a holistic understanding of theoretical studies of international relations in political science; the formation of practical skills and abilities to analyze the artifacts of Western political and international culture of modern times; study of theoretical models of international systems, theoretical discussions on globalization, concepts of international security; training in the use of the system of subject knowledge and skills in subsequent practical activities.

Shlyupikov М.V., Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor

36 hours


Topical issues of national history

The purpose of the course is to teach students in the field of higher and secondary education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the organization of the educational process, the selection of historical data and the use of innovative educational technologies in the classroom.

Karsybayeva Zh.А. – Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor



Topical issues of national history

The aim of the course is to familiarize students with the fundamental theoretical and methodological problems of national history, the problems of economic modernization, innovative technologies in the organization of the educational process at school and university.

Saktaganova Z.G., Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor




Methods of school disciplines teaching (Selected chapters of inorganic chemistry: complex compounds, solutions, thermodynamics, kinetics)

Equip teachers of chemistry with theoretical knowledge and methods of solving problems in kinetics, thermodynamics, concentrations of solutions

Kokibasova G.Т., Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Professor



Subject-language integrated training

Formation of subjects in the presentation of the methodology of integrated teaching of the subject and language. Change the application and development of language skills.

Muratbekova А.А., Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor



Organic chemistry

The task of the course is to acquaint listeners with the principles of modern theory of structure and properties of organic compounds, analysis of the current state of development of organic chemistry and its basic directions, the formation of knowledge based on the basic principles of synthesis of organic systems in relation to their interrelationships, structures and properties.

Kenzhetayeva S.О., Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Professor

72 hours


Updating the secondary education content and criterion-based assessment system

The purpose of the course: Improving the pedagogical skills of school teachers, college and university teachers in the context of updating the content of secondary education and the introduction of a system of criteria-based assessment.


Objectives of the course: to acquaint with the goals, objectives, structure and content of the program of professional development of teachers; explain the importance of introducing the content of modernized secondary education in the educational process; to acquaint school teachers, college and university teachers with the goals, objectives, structure and content of the updated curriculum; pedagogical methods in accordance with the updated curricula - to ensure the ability to understand and apply teaching materials, criteria-based assessment system.

Kosybayeva U.А., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor

72 hours


Updating the secondary education content and criterion-based assessment system

The purpose of the course: Improving the pedagogical skills of school teachers, college and university teachers in the context of updating the content of secondary education and the introduction of a system of criteria-based assessment.


 Objectives of the course: to acquaint with the goals, objectives, structure and content of the program of professional development of teachers; explain the importance of introducing the content of modernized secondary education in the educational process; to acquaint school teachers, college and university teachers with the goals, objectives, structure and content of the updated curriculum; pedagogical methods in accordance with the updated curricula - to ensure the ability to understand and apply teaching materials, criteria-based assessment system.

Kosybayeva U.А., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences,

Associate Professor

72 hours


Innovation Technologies in foreign language teaching



Module 1: Modern online Teaching Methods (18h)


Module 2: Language and Technology Integration (18h.)


Module 3: Integration of web platforms / applications and offline / traditional forms in order to improve the quality of assimilation of online courses (18h.)


Module 4:  Designing the educational activity of a FL teacher in a blended learning environment (18h.)

Belikova О.V., Master of Economics and Ped. Sciences, Senior Lecturer;

Engel N.V. - Master of Humanities, Senior Lecturer;

Tazhibayeva E.R., Master of Education, Senior Lecturer Shelestova Т.Yu., PhD, Associate Professor

Kutimova L.S., Chekmareva N.V., Masters of Human Sciences, Teachers

72 hours


Reporter school

The reporter's school was created for the vocational guidance of high school students. Students have the opportunity to get acquainted with the basics of the profession, participate in the production of journalistic materials, gain theoretical knowledge and practical experience. The skills acquired at the School of the Reporter are useful for admission and further training in the specialty “journalism and reporting”

Ramazanova Zh.S., Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor

72 hours


Methods of teaching Kazakh literature and updated educational content

The course aims to improve the pedagogical skills of school teachers, college and university teachers on the methods of teaching Kazakh literature in the context of updating the content of secondary education and the introduction of a system of criteria-based assessment. The course provides students with knowledge of the methods of teaching Kazakh literature and their effective use in accordance with the updated curriculum.

Rustemova Zh.А., Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor

72 hours


Improving functional literacy

The course is designed for teachers of schools, lyceums, gymnasiums and colleges. During the course, students will be told how to write a project, essay and come up with a topic innovation.


Literary works included in the school curriculum are analyzed in terms of themes and ideas, the writer's laboratory, creative psychology. Prerequisites for creative work with students are studied.

Toleubayeva K.А., Candidate of Philological Sciences, Professor

72 hours


Latin-based Kazakh writing

The program is based on the names and sounds of the letters of the Kazakh alphabet based on Latin script, marking of vowels and consonants, the structure and novelty of the basic rules of Kazakh spelling and the principles of spelling.


The rules of spelling of the Kazakh language based on the new alphabet are fully covered, and effective teaching methods are used to improve reading and writing literacy.


According to the plan of the program, students will be able to master the materials related to the Latin-based Kazakh script, to get acquainted with the theoretical content of spelling rules on the basis of spelling principles and practical implementation of spelling rules using new teaching technologies.

Tursynova М.А., Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor


Zhuyntayeva Z.N., Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor


Amanzholova Т.А., Rakhymberlina S.A., Master of Pedagogical Sciences

72 hours


Effective use of innovative technologies in teaching the Kazakh language as a second language

A number of innovative technologies in teaching Kazakh as a second language are considered and the effectiveness of their use in language teaching is analyzed.

Aitbayeva B.М., Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor

72 hours


Theoretical and practical bases of office work in the state language

The purpose of the course is to study the regulatory requirements for record keeping in the state language, the basic rules of its organization, documentation, preparation of documents.

Kadina Zh.Z., Candidate of Philological Sciences

72 hours


Level teaching of the Kazakh language in trilingual education

The main feature of tiered learning is the grouping and classification of the process of education, training, teaching. The methodological purpose of each level, the analysis of linguistic, sociolinguistic and discursive activities were analyzed.

Kenzhebekova Zh.А., Master of Humanities, Senior Lecturer

72 hours


Effectiveness of Internet platforms in distance learning of the Kazakh language

The purpose of the course is to teach how to effectively use Internet resources in distance learning of the Kazakh language. About the advantages of the ZOOM platform, the effectiveness of the Padlet online board and the methods used in distance learning.

Aitbayeva B.М., Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor

72 hours


Methods of teaching the Kazakh language on the basis of Latin graphics

The purpose of the course: to provide information about the methodological and theoretical foundations of teaching the Kazakh language on the basis of Latin graphics. Ways of historical formation and development of Latin graphics. Give an idea of the methodological heritage and methods of its analysis. Analysis of the types of methods of teaching the Kazakh language based on Latin graphics.

Akhmetzhanova Zh.B., Candidate of Philological Sciences

72 hours


Current issues of linguistics and literary studies

The principle of anthropocentrism in modern linguistics. New directions in Sociolinguistic trends in modern foreign and Russian linguistics. Psycholinguistic direction in the study of language in modern Russian and foreign linguistics. Linguistic picture of the world. Literary criticism in the paradigm of humanitarian knowledge. Narratology and Discourse Analysis. Hermeneutic analysis of the text. Receptive aesthetics. Philosophy of the text.

Pak М.K.,

Doctor of Philology, Professor;


Mustoyapova А.Т., Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor

72 hours


Methods of teaching Latin at the university

The proposed course is designed to highlight the theoretical and practical problems of teaching Latin in the higher education system: to determine the role and place of the course, the specific goals of its study in connection with professional training in medical universities, at the chemical, biological, legal, historical, philological faculties and the faculty of foreign languages universities; to systematize methods of teaching phonetics, vocabulary and grammar of the Latin language; to identify the criteria for the selection of grammatical and lexical material; to study the methodology of teaching reading, considered as an object and means of teaching, necessary for mastering vocabulary and theoretical information about the system of the Latin language.

Antonova Ye.М. - Master of Philology, Senior Lecturer

72 hours


Transport and logistics system management


This course examines the logistics systems of enterprises and their properties, logistics processes in the enterprise and the coordination of logistics in the enterprise. Practical skills of calculating transport costs are obtained on the basis of the use of modern information systems. In addition, practical skills in budgeting the depot will be acquired.


Within the framework of this course, the logistics systems of enterprises and their properties, logistics processes for the enterprise, the issue of logistics coordination for the enterprise will be studied.


There will be practical skills in calculating the cost of transportation on the basis of the use of modern information systems. There will also be practical skills in the composition of the budget of motor depots.

Mukanov B.О.,

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor

72 hours


Theory and practice of supply chain management

The purpose of the course is to form a comprehensive understanding of the tasks and functions of logistics systems, conceptual principles and methods of effective management of material flows in the field of supply and marketing. The study covers the basic concepts and principles of SCM, integration in logistics, procurement and transport, warehousing and distribution, distribution and service, reverse logistics, risk and supply chain forecasting. The course is designed for students majoring in “Logistics” and logistics working in the following fields.


The purpose of the course is the formation of a comprehensive representation of the tasks and functions of the logistics system, conceptual principles and methods of effective management of material flows in the field of supply and delivery. The course covers the basic concepts and principles of SCM, integration in logistics, procurement and transportation, warehousing and inventory, distribution and service, reverse logistics, risk and forecasting in supply chains. The course is intended for students majoring in “Logistics” and logistics, working in the industry.

Arynova Zh.Z.,

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor

72 hours



The course is designed for professional training of insurance agents and brokers. Theoretical lessons master the basics of professional activity in the insurance market, the features of insurance products in various branches of insurance. Practical lessons are used to master the skills of concluding an insurance contract and maintaining accounting records.


The course is intended for professional training of insurance agents and brokers. Theoretical classes are based on the basics of professional activity in the insurance market, the specifics of insurance products in various insurance industries. The skills of concluding insurance contracts and reporting documentation are acquired in practical classes.

Vorobyova S.М., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor

72 hours


Project analysis as a fundamental factor in improving the quality of innovative developments

One of the key elements of business organization in the current economic situation is the quantitative assessment of the feasibility of adopting a particular project, which involves the use of relevant methods of analyzing the economic efficiency of investment design. This course is based on the initial rules, the main of which is the principle of inequality of money with respect to different points of time. The long-term nature of investment increases the importance of applying this principle to ensure that material and financial costs and expenses can be avoided in difficult economic conditions. It is also planned to study modern methods of project management to address strategic objectives.


In modern economic conditions, one of the key elements of the organization of business is the quantitative assessment of the purposefulness of the adoption of this or that project, implying the use of relevant methods of economic project analysis analysis. This course is based on the original provisions, the main of which is the principle of inequality of money, relating to different moments of time. The long-term nature of the investment multiplies the importance of applying this principle to ensure the possibility of preventing material and financial losses and losses in difficult economic conditions. It also provides for the study of modern methods of project management to address strategic objectives.

Myrzhykbayeva А.B.,  Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor

72 hours


Results management in the public sector of the economy

The course provides for the deepening of competencies in the field of strategic planning and skills in drafting strategic documents and projects of public administration.


Course objectives:

- Methodology of results management in the public sector of the economy, expansion of competencies in the field of strategic planning and design;

- Mastering the skills of solving applied problems in public administration.


The course involves the deepening of competencies in the field of strategic planning and skills in the design of strategic documents and projects of government bodies.


Course objectives:

-Expansion of competencies in the field of results-based management methodology, strategic planning and design in the public sector of the economy;

-Acquisition of skills in solving applied problems in the field of public administration.

Pritvorova Т.P., Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor

72 hours


Applied business









The course is aimed at acquainting students with the basic organizational and legal forms of business, mastering the methods of analysis of sales markets, the essence, role and functions of business planning, the structure and standards of business plans. The course is designed for existing and potential businessmen, university, college and school teachers who teach the basics of entrepreneurship, as well as undergraduates and students of any field of education.

Assanova М.K.,

 Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor

72 hours


Digital economy

This course is designed to explore market trends, challenges and opportunities that digitalization leads to in response to these challenges, the transformation of specific sectors of the economy, the explanation of new business models of digital companies and the transformation cases of specific sectors of the economy.

Khussainova Zh.S.,  Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor

72 hours


Entrepreneurship and startups

The purpose of studying the discipline is to familiarize students with practical acquaintance with the effective behavior of an entrepreneur when creating and launching a new business on the market.



- the acquisition by students of knowledge about the content of the entrepreneur's activities when opening a new business;

- the formation of practical skills in the development of a business idea, start-ups, image, team building and ensuring the competitiveness of a new market entity (through cases);

- acquaintance with the infrastructure for supporting entrepreneurship.

Khussainova Zh.S., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor

72 hours


Organization and regulation of labor

The purpose of the course is the mastery of theoretical and methodological provisions of labor regulation, acquisition of practical skills of organization and regulation of labor and their use in the economic work of enterprises and organizations.


The course is intended for teachers of universities, colleges, for representatives of industrial enterprises, businesses of various types of activities, as well as for undergraduates and students, researchers studying the organization and regulation of labor in Kazakhstan.

Assanova М.K.,

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor

72 hours


Labor organization and rationing

The purpose of the course is the mastery of theoretical and methodological provisions of labor regulation, acquisition of practical skills of organization and regulation of labor and their use in the economic work of enterprises and organizations.


The course is intended for teachers of universities, colleges, representatives of manufacturing enterprises, business of different types of activities, as well as for undergraduates and students, researchers, researchers and organizations of labor in Kazakhstan.

Zharasbayeva А.Zh.,  Master of Economic Sciences, Senior Lecturer

72 hours


Macroeconomics (in Russian)

Macroeconomics as a whole studies the laws of the economic system, the main problems of the modern national economy. This is one of the main disciplines in the training of economists of all specialties.


The course is designed for researchers, practitioners of economic organizations, representatives of agencies regulating the economy, teachers of universities and colleges.


The main objective of the course "Macroeconomics" is to give an idea about the principles and methods of macroeconomics, about the basic macroeconomic models, about an objective assessment of the effectiveness of economic policy.


Course objectives: to learn to analyze macroeconomic indicators and macroeconomic models; to assess the effectiveness of government macroeconomic policy; to be able to develop a strategy for the behavior of market agents in a particular macroeconomic environment.


As a result of the course, students should master:


- peculiarities of construction of macroeconomic models;

- difference between the principles and tools of the main concepts of macroeconomic theory;


- describe the behavior of economic agents using the categories and models of macroeconomics;

- explain the interaction of economic agents in macroeconomic markets;


- in solving macroeconomic problems graphically and analytically;

- in comparing the performance of macroeconomic policies in different countries;

- in arguing their own views on modern macroeconomic phenomena.  

Mussina S.T.,

 Master of Economic Sciences, Senior Lecturer


72 hours


Econometrics (in Kazakh)

The course includes the acquisition of theoretical knowledge and the formation of practical skills in the development of regression models of economic objects and application in the MS Excel environment.

Amirkulova M.B., Master of Economic Sciences, Senior Lecturer

72 hours


Time management

The aim of the course is to form the students' basic ideas about working time management, the role of proper time management, the basic methods and ways of planning time in the workplace. As the practice of foreign-domestic management in various industries and spheres of activity shows, most of the problems arising in the management process are associated with the misuse of time either by leaders or managers of various levels. In this regard, there is an urgent need to study the theoretical and practical aspects of time management, as one of the most modern directions in the development and improvement of the management organization system.


The main objectives of studying the course are as follows:

- mastering the main priorities in time management, as well as its main goals;

- study of the basic methods of accounting and balance of working hours;

- formation of an idea of planning working hours;

- mastering the skills of using operational (daily) plans;

- knowledge of methods and mechanisms of management - the main and intermediate time;

- formation of an idea of the delegation of work and the distribution of working time in this case;

- consideration of the basic methods of teaching time management.

Tussupbayeva B.S., Master of Economic Sciences, Senior Lecturer

72 hours


Management in education

The aim of the course Management in education is to form a complex of professional and managerial competencies, strategic management of the education system, study the model of the education system, the quality of education, the peculiarities of using information technologies in the educational process and the problems of improving the education system, as well as making optimal decisions.

Davletbayeva N.B.,

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor

72 hours



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