Research directions

The university carries out research by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, partner organizations and internal needs. In this regard, scientists of the university participate in the implementation of projects funded by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, external customers within the framework of economic contracts and the university itself. Studies are devoted to the problems of general and inclusive education, energy, archaeology, creation of new materials and innovative technologies, rational use of natural resources, information and communication technologies, life and health sciences, in the social sciences and humanities, in the natural sciences, etc.

Projects by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

External customer projects (economic agreements)

1. Customer of the project - Kazakhmys Corporation LLP The project "Development of a technology for the extraction of metals from depleted ores, tailings and wastes of mining and metallurgical industries using electrochemical processes and hydropulse discharge energy for the extraction of copper and other non-ferrous metals." The project is led by Doctor of Chemistry, Professor Mustafin Edige Suindikovich.

2. Customer: Ular MK LLP

The project "Development of technology for obtaining modifying and stabilizing additives to increase the operational life of asphalt concrete pavements." The project is led by Doctor of Chemistry, Professor Mustafin Edige Suindikovich.

3. Customer: Shubarkol Komir JSC.

The project "Comprehensive study to determine the properties and composition of coal, special coke, coal tar and coke oven gas." The project is led by Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor Baikenov Murzabek Ispolovich.

4. Customer: ERG Research and Engineering Center

The project "Distillation of coal tar of Shubarkol Komir JSC and obtaining samples of its fraction". The project is led by Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor Baikenov Murzabek Ispolovich.

5. Customer: Kazakh Research Institute of Processing of Agricultural Products LLP.

The project "Development of optimal technological modes of production of sorghum syrup of high quality”. The project is led by Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor Tazhbayev Yerkeblan Muratovich.

6. Customer: Research Center "Biosphere Kazakhstan"

The project "Study of the effectiveness of using acidic effluent neutralization sludge and sulfuric acid from the Balkhash smelter for water treatment of process effluents from the Balkhash concentrator in the reverse water supply system and evaluation of the effectiveness of tailings stabilization when co-deposited in the Balkhash concentrator's tailings pond." The project is led by Candidate of Chemical Sciences Fomin Vitaliy Nikolayevich.

7. Customer: Karkaralinsk State National Natural Park of the Committee of Forestry and Wildlife of the Ministry of Ecology,

Geology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The project "Inventory of invertebrates inhabiting the territory of the Karkaralinsky State National Natural Park". The project is led by Candidate of Biological Sciences Blyalev Serik Abdualievich.

8. Customer: Rational Solution LLP

The project "Social entrepreneurship in modern economic systems: concept, typology, mechanisms of development in Kazakhstan." The project is led by Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Khussainova Zhibek Seitovna.

9. Customer: Chamber of Commerce of Karaganda Region

The project "Development of organizational-economic mechanism of small business development in the region ". The project is led by Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Khussainova Zhibek Seitovna.

10. Customer: Notarial Chamber of Karaganda Region.

The project "Training service with the issuance of a certificate". The project is led by Candidate of Juridical Sciences Antonina Serikovna Kizdarbekova.

11. Customer: Shubarkol Premium JSC.

The project " Conducting scientific research to identify the absence or presence of objects of historical and cultural heritage in the territory of Shubarkol deposit of Shubarkol Premium JSC (area of 677.317 ha)". The project is led by Candidate of Historical Sciences, Kukushkin Igor Alekseevich.

12. Customer: Center for the Preservation of Historical and Cultural Heritage of the Department of Culture, Archives and

Documentation of the Karaganda Region. The project "Conducting archaeological research of monuments with chariot attributes of the Taldy burial ground (Bronze Age) of the Taldinskiy Historical and Archaeological Park". The project is led by Candidate of Historical Sciences Kukushkin Igor Alekseevich.

Internal projects of the university

1. "Famine of 1931-1933 in Central Kazakhstan: Causes and Consequences (on materials of archives and memories)" project. Archival documents are being researched, a corpus of documentary texts with memories of the famine of 1931-1933 is being formed. The project is led by Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor Mustayapova Ainash Tokushevna.

2. "Problems of Kasymology" project. The poetry of Kasym Amanzholov, who made an invaluable contribution to the revival of the Kazakh verbal art in the classical style under the Soviet ideology in continuity with the trends in the literary development of 1930-60s, is researched. The project is led by Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor Zharylgapov Zhansaya Zhangazyuly.

3. "Development of a textbook for the 9th grade on the subject "Fundamentals of Law" project. The textbook for the secondary school, which will systematize scientific knowledge about the law as a set of rules governing important social relations, give a scientific idea of the State as a political institution, etc. is being developed. The project is led by Master of Law Shakirova Altynai Borankulkyzy.