Grant funding on scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects for 2021-2023

АР09261083 project "Transcultural Communications in the Late Bronze Age (Western Siberia - Kazakhstan - Central Asia)"
  1. ИРН АР09261083 project "Transcultural Communications in the Late Bronze Age (Western Siberia - Kazakhstan - Central Asia)"
  2. Relevance. In the second half of the 2nd millennium BC in the most of Kazakhstan there was the Begazy-Dandybay archaeological culture (another name is the Sargari-Alekseevka culture). On the North and North-West it adjoined the andronoid cultures of the south of Western Siberia Irmen,Yelov, Pakhomov,Suzgun and others). The Andronoid cultures are located on the territory of the Western Siberian plain lean in minerals and did not have their own sources of metallurgical raw materials. However, in the monuments of these cultures, the objects from bronze were found, the sources of which have not been established, with the exception of the settlement of Chicha 1. At this fortified monument, the metal was imported from the Kazakhstan mining-metallurgical region of Eurasian metallurgical province. The main idea of the project is the existence of trade communications in the Bronze Age that connected the population of Kazakhstan, Western Siberia and Central Asia. The separate indications of this are in the form of finds of andronoid pottery in the biggest Kazakh settlements (Kent, Akkezen, Shortandybulak, Myrzhik, Akmustafa,Semyarskoe). In the andronoid sites contain the metal items of the steppe types. In addition, the crockery made in the Central Asian traditions and using a pottery wheel was found in the sites of the Begazy-Dandybay culture. Apparently, trade relations caused mainly by the implementation of metal and items from the Kazakhstan mining-metallurgical region spread far to the south to the agricultural crops of Central Asia. Thus, the problem of existence of extended trade routes is outlined, similar to those that existed in Late Bronze Age in Eastern Mediterranean.
  3.  The goal of the project "Transcultural communications in the Late Bronze Age (Western Siberia - Kazakhstan - Central Asia)" is to identify and localize transcultural communications of the Late Bronze Age in the geographical system Western Siberia - Kazakhstan - Central Asia in the second half of the 2nd millennium BC. NS. Based on the data already available and obtained during the implementation of the project, it is planned to identify the causes, conditions, nature, routes and consequences of such communications. Determine the scale of interaction of the ancient population.
  4. Expected and achieved results. In the process of research on the project topic, the substrate and superstrate components of the cultures of Western Siberia, Kazakhstan and Central Asia of the Late Bronze Age will be identified. The cultural affiliation of the imported components has been determined. Fragmentary information about imports, mainly ceramic, is available in some publications. The monuments of the Late Bronze cultures of the south of Western Siberia contain information on finds of steppe bronzes. It is assumed that these finds, as well as artifacts of other categories, document a certain type of relationship between the population of Kazakhstan and the bearers of andronoid cultures. The main idea of ​​the project involves the identification of the steppe component in the complexes of Central Asia, as a result of the activity of the Begazy-Dandybaev population. As a result of the first year of research, new facts of interaction between carriers of different cultural traditions were revealed.
  5. Names and surnames of members of the study group

Victor Varfolomeev

ORCiD ID — 0000-0002-3598-2345

Web of Science ResearcherID — U-6547-2018

Scopus Author ID — 57194943678

Valeriy Loman

ORCiD ID — 0000-0001-6951-0509

Web of Science ResearcherID — C-5884-2016,34755093

Emma Usmanova

Scopus Author ID — 57192104036

Researcher ID U-7688-2018

Ilja Merts

ORCiD ID — 0000-0001-9066-9629

Web of Science ResearcherID — W-2579-2017

Scopus Author ID — 56866320100

6. List of publications:

1.Варфоломеев В.В., Мерц В.К., Мерц И.В. Шокпартас – новый энеолитический памятник Центральной Сарыарки // Вестник Евразийского национального университета имени Л.Н. Гумилева. Серия Исторические науки. Философия. Религиоведение. № 1(134). 2021. – С. 36-48.

2.Варфоломеев В. В. Ажар – поселение аккезенской округи // Культуры Азиатской части Евразии в древности и средневековье. Материалы Международной научной конференции, посвященной 80-летию со дня рождения и 50-летию научно-педагогической деятельности проф. Ноны Армаисовны Аванесовой. Самарканд, 2021. – С. 231-236.

3.Дегтярева А.Д., Кузьминых С.В., Усманова Э.Р. Металл петровской культуры могильника Новоильиновский 2 (морфология и технология изготовления) // Культуры Азиатской части Евразии в древности и средневековье. Материалы Международной научной конференции, посвященной 80-летию со дня рождения и 50-летию научно-педагогической деятельности проф. Ноны Армаисовны Аванесовой. Самарканд, 2021. – С. 236-242.

4.Усманова Э.Р. Реконструкция ювелирного декора андроновского головного убора // III Международный конгресс традиционной художественной культуры: фундаментальные исследования народного искусства (23 – 25 октября 2017 г. Ханты-Мансийск). М.: МГХПА им. С.Г. Строганова. 2021. – С. 449-452.

5.Ломан В.Г. Қарағанды облысындағы Доңғал қонысын зерттеу // Вестник Казахского национального педагогического университета им. Абая. Серия «Исторические и социально-политические науки». – 2021. – № 2 (69). – С. 110-118.


6.Pavel Tarlykov, Sabina Atavliyeva, Dana Auganova, Ilyas Akhmetollayev, Tatyana Loshakova, Victor Varfolomeev, Yerlan Ramankulov. Mitochondrial DNA analysis of ancient sheep from Kazakhstan: evidence for early sheep introduction // Heliyon. Volume 7, Issue 9, September 2021.

7.Loman V.G. On the originality of the Dongal type sites // Вестник Карагандинского университета. Серия «История. Философия». – 2021. – № 3 (103). – С. 47-54.

8. Усманова Э. «Андроновский» головной убор с накосным украшением: реконструкция, символика и происхождение // Tyragetia 109, s.n., vol. XV [XXX], nr. 1, 2021, 109-122.

Усманова Э.Р. «Андроновский» головной убор с накосным украшением: реконструкция, символика и происхождение // Tyragetia, serie nouă, vol. XV, nr. 1, p. 109-122.

9. Pablo Librado, Valeriy Loman, Igor Kukushkin, Ilya Merz, Victor Merz, Sergazy Sakenov, Victor Varfolomeyev, Emma Usmanova, Svend Hansen, Alan Outram, Ludovic Orlando et all. The origins and spread of domestic horses from the Western Eurasian steppes // Nature Received: 4 May 2021. Accepted: 10 September 2021. Published online: 20 October 2021.

Усманова Э. Р., Фомин В. Н. Красный цвет в «андроновском» костюме эпохи бронзы: технология крашения (по материалам памятников Лисаковской округи) // Древние и традиционные культуры во взаимодействии со средой обитания: проблемы исторической реконструкции: материалы I Междунар. междисциплинар. конф. Челябинск: Изд-во Челяб. гос. ун-та, 2021. – С. 61-68.

Варфоломеев В.В., Кайыржан А.К. (Поселение Саурамбай по результатам разведочного обследования // Археология Казахстана. № 3. (13). 2021. – С. 38-48.


АР09260237 «The cosemantic classes and their classes of models»
  1. IRN, Name of the topic of the project: АР09260237 «The cosemantic classes and their classes of models».


  1. Relevance: research in the field of Model Theory is one of the most urgent areas of modern mathematics. Model Theory, operating with the capabilities of the first-order predicate calculus language, studies the general patterns of models of arbitrary signatures. On the other hand, many classical results of universal algebra are directly related to the model-theoretical description. For example, the description of such classes of models as variety and quasivariety depends on the types of axioms of the first-order language. As part of the study of this project for 2021, 4 thematic sections were proposed, which are represented by specific mathematical problems. The solution to these problems is uniquely useful both from the point of view of Model Theory and from the point of view of universal algebra.


  1. Purpose: to study the syntactic and semantic properties of model-theoretical questions concerning the classes of Jonson spectra with respect to the cosemanticness relation.


  1. Expected and achieved results:

1. A criterion for class simplicity is obtained for a simple fragment of a theoretical set from a fixed JSp(K).

2.  A description of the connection between the class of algebraically closed and existentially closed models is obtained for the cosemanticness class of a fixed JSp(K).

3. A description of the JSB property is obtained for models of fragments of theoretical sets with respect to a fixed JSp(K).

4. A description of the properties of a class of existentially closed models for universal fragments of theoretical sets with respect to a fixed JSp(K) is obtained.

All results obtained are new and form the following list within results 1-4: a certain sufficient condition for the model completeness of the center of the Jonsson theory is found, which is related to the problem of λ-comparison of two existentially closed models; a criterion of uncountable categoricity for the class of the Robinson spectrum in the language of central types is obtained; a criterion for the uncountable categoricity of the -categorical universal center of the class of hereditary Jonsson theory in an inessential extension is obtained; the criteria for Jonsson non-forking (JNF) and Jonsson non-forking on Lascar-Poizat (JNFLP) were obtained; in the class of J-simple theories, a Jonsson version of the Kim-Pillay theorem is obtained for the class of the Jonsson spectrum of an arbitrary signature model; a sufficient condition for the existential closedness of an algebraically closed Jonsson manifold is obtained.

  1. Names and surnames of members of the research group with their identifiers (Scopus Author ID, Researcher ID, ORCID, if any, and links to the corresponding profiles.)
  1. Yeshkeyev Aibat - Project Manager, Chief Scientist, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor (Scopus Author ID: 35786898900, Researcher ID: U-6268-2018, ORCID: 0000-0003-0149-6143);
  2. Ulbrikht Olga - Leading Researcher, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) (Scopus Author ID: 57193349139, Researcher ID: U-6228-2018, ORCID: 0000-0002-3340-2140);
  3. Kassymetova Mayra - Leading Researcher, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) (Scopus Author ID: 57204895696, Researcher ID: AAF-9387-2020, ORCID: 0000-0002-4659-0689);
  4. Shamatayeva Nazgul - Leading Researcher, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) (Scopus Author ID: 57204894444, Researcher ID: AAG-2851-2020, ORCID: 0000-0002-8515-2833);
  5. Mussina Nazerke - Researcher,  Doctoral student of NJSC "E.A. Buketov Karaganda University" by specialty 6D060100 - Mathematics;
  6. Omarova Makhabat - Researcher,  Doctoral student of NJSC "E.A. Buketov Karaganda University" by specialty 6D060100 - Mathematics;
  7. Issayeva Aigul - Researcher,  Doctoral student of NJSC "E.A. Buketov Karaganda University" by specialty 6D060100 - Mathematics;
  8. Popova Nadezhda - Researcher,  Doctoral student of NJSC "E.A. Buketov Karaganda University" by specialty 8D05409201- Mathematics;
  9. Tungushbayeva Indira - Junior Researcher, Doctoral student of NJSC "E.A. Buketov Karaganda University" by specialty 8D05409201- Mathematics;
  10. Yarullina Alina - Junior Researcher, Doctoral student of NJSC "E.A. Buketov Karaganda University" by specialty 8D05409201- Mathematics.


  1. List of publications (with links to them) and patents.

Total publications on the project for 2021 is 15:


  1. Yeshkeyev A.R., Mussina N.M. An algebra of the central types of the mutually model-consistent fragments // BULLETIN OF THE KARAGANDA UNIVERSITY-MATHEMATICS. – Karaganda, 2021. – №1(101). – P. 111-118. DOI 10.31489/2021M1/111-118 (WoS: IF 0.0)
  2. Yeshkeyev A.R., Omarova M.T. An essential base of the central types of the convex theory // BULLETIN OF THE KARAGANDA UNIVERSITY-MATHEMATICS. – Karaganda, 2021. – №1(101). – P. 119-126. DOI 10.31489/2021M1/119-126 (WoS: IF 0.0)
  3. Yeshkeyev A. R., Kassymetova M. T., Ulbrikht O. I. Independence and simplicity in Jonsson theories with abstract geometry // Siberian Electronic Mathematical Reports. – 2021. – Vol.18. – P.433-455. DOI 10.33048/semi.2021.18.030 (Scopus: CiteScore - 0.8, SJR - 0.468, SNIP - 0.713, Percentile - 32).
  4. Yeshkeyev A.R., Issayeva A.K., Shamatayeva N.K. On atomic and algebraically prime models obtained by closure of definable sets // BULLETIN OF THE KARAGANDA UNIVERSITY-MATHEMATICS. – Karaganda, 2021. – №3(103). – P. 124-130. DOI 10.31489/2021М3/124-130 (КОКСОН)
  5. Yeshkeyev A.R., Issayeva A. K., Shamatayeva N. K. On atomic and algebraically prime definable subsets of semantic model // Logic Colloquium 2021: European Summer Meeting of the Association for Symbolic Logic (ASL) (19-24 July). / Poznań, Poland. 2021. – P. 150.
  6. Yeshkeyev A.R., Ulbrikht O.I., Mussina N.M. On the categoricity of the class of the Jonsson spectrum // Logic Colloquium 2021: European Summer Meeting of the Association for Symbolic Logic (ASL) (19-24 July). / Poznań, Poland. 2021. – P. 151.
  7. Yeshkeyev A.R., Ulbrikht O.I. The Jonsson nonforking notion under some positiveness. Logic Colloquium 2021: European Summer Meeting of the Association for Symbolic Logic (ASL) (19-24 July). - Poznań, Poland. 2021. – P. 152.
  8. Kassymetova M. T., Mussina N. M., Amanbekov S. M. Companions of hybrids of fragments of theoretical subsets // Maltsev readings: Abstracts of reports of the international conference (September 20-24, 2021) – Novosibirsk, 2021. – P.167.
  9. Yeshkeyev A.R., Issayeva A. K., Shamatayeva N. K. The atomicity and algebraically primeness of theoretical subsets of semantic model // Maltsev readings: Abstracts of reports of the international conference (September 20-24, 2021) – Novosibirsk, 2021. – P.174.
  10. Yeshkeyev A.R., Ulbrikht O. I., Omarova M. T. On the class of existentially closed models of an arbitrary signature and their saturated semantic models // Maltsev readings: Abstracts of reports of the international conference (September 20-24, 2021) – Novosibirsk, 2021. – P.175.
  11. Ешкеев А.Р., Галинская И., Хамзеева А. h-подобие фрагментов теоретических множеств // Традиционная международная апрельская конференция в честь Дня работников науки Республики Казахстан, посвященная 75-летию академика НАН РК Т.Ш. Кальменова. – Алматы, 2021. – С.114-115.
  12. Исаева А.К., Попова Н.В., Жумагул Д., Нурмакова А. Ядерная модель выпуклого йонсоновского спектра // Традиционная международная апрельская конференция в честь Дня работников науки Республики Казахстан, посвященная 75-летию академика НАН РК Т.Ш. Кальменова. – Алматы, 2021. – С.117.
  13. Мусина Н.М., Аманбеков С.А., Нурмакова А. Минимальные алгебраически простые модели универсального гибрида фрагментов йонсоновских множеств // Традиционная международная апрельская конференция в честь Дня работников науки Республики Казахстан, посвященная 75-летию академика НАН РК Т.Ш. Кальменова. – Алматы, 2021. – С.121.
  14. Омарова М.Т., Галинская И., Хамзеева А. Центральные типы от двух предикатов // Традиционная международная апрельская конференция в честь Дня работников науки Республики Казахстан, посвященная 75-летию академика НАН РК Т.Ш. Кальменова. – Алматы, 2021. – С.122.
  15. Омарова М.Т., Жумагул Д., Нурмакова А. Свойства йонсоновского спектра относительно категоричности // Традиционная международная апрельская конференция в честь Дня работников науки Республики Казахстан, посвященная 75-летию академика НАН РК Т.Ш. Кальменова. – Алматы, 2021. – С.123.


AP09259913 «Functional nanomaterials based on carbon quantum dots»

AP09259913 «Functional nanomaterials based on carbon quantum dots»


Scientific novelty: Carbon materials have been known for a long time. In order to make these materials luminescent, it is necessary to observe a precise modulation between their size and surface chemical groups. At present, a large number of carbon-containing nanomaterials with luminescence have been synthesized, among which the CQDs can be distinguished.

The CQDs size is usually less than 10 nm. CQDs have a core in which the carbon are predominantly in sp2 hybridization. Surface groups of CQDs, such as carbonyl, carboxyl, hydroxyl, and epoxy, lead to their solubility in water and create the possibility of their further functionalization.

Compared to traditional semiconductor quantum dots and organic dyes, CQDs have high solubility, chemical inertness, and resistance to photobleaching. For example, the generation and transport of electrons at carbon-containing dots have been used for solar cells, organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs), photodetectors, photocatalysts and supercapacitors.

Also, their undoubted advantage is their low toxicity and high biocompatibility compared to semiconductor quantum dots, which makes them very promising for biophysical and medical applications, for example, for bioimaging, biosensors, drug delivery, and medical diagnostics.

Despite the variety of published works devoted to the synthesis, study and luminescence of CQDs, the question of the influence of the chemical composition, structure, and method of synthesis of CQDs on their physicochemical properties remains open to date. Also, the issues of the generation of stimulated emission in active laser media based on CQDs are not widely covered.

Novelty: a comprehensive study of the influence of the chemical composition, structure and synthesis method of CQDs on their optical properties and the using of CQDs in functional nanomaterials for photovoltaics and active laser media.

Scientific significance: relationship between the structure and optical properties of carbon dots from the conditions of their preparation will be established, as well as issues of their practical use will be considered, and the parameters of such systems will be optimized for their effective functioning.

Practical significance: new functional nanomaterials will be developed using CQDs, oxide semiconductors and organic dyes. Nanocomposite materials for photovoltaics and quantum electronics will be obtained and studied.

The aim of the Project is development and study of new functional nanomaterials using CQDs, oxide semiconductors and organic dyes. Effect of conditions for obtaining CQDs on photogeneration and deactivation of their excited electronic states with different spin multiplicity will be studied. Nanocomposite materials for photovoltaics and quantum electronics will be studied.

Expected and achieved results:

– the influence of the composition of precursors and synthesis conditions on the structural and optical properties of the CQDs has been studied. S- and N-doped CQDs were obtained by varying the ratio of citric acid and L-cysteine. It was shown that a change in the ratio of precursors has no noticeable effect on the size and morphology of carbon dots. The sizes of synthesized QDs after dialysis vary from 2 to 8 nm;

– it was found that for L-cysteine-doped CQDs, the absorption spectrum additionally exhibits an absorption band with a maximum at 350 nm, while for undoped CQDs it was practically absent. For all investigated CQDs, with an increase in the excitation wavelength, a "red" shift of the fluorescence spectrum was observed. The maximum fluorescence intensity is observed under the excitation at 350 nm;

– it was shown that a change in the synthesis temperature does not affect on the size and fluorescent properties of the synthesized CQDs;

– it was found that the fluorescence intensity of various samples is practically independent of the synthesis time and varies within 5%. The highest value of the luminescence quantum yield (80%) was registered for the CQDs synthesized within 15 minutes;

– under the pulsed photoexcitation, CQDs solutions exhibits delayed fluorescence and phosphorescence. It is shown that both the intensity and the duration of the DF of the CQDs practically do not depend on the synthesis time, but are determined by the synthesis temperature;

– the features of generation and deactivation of triplet states of CQDs of various compositions in solid films have been studied. In films with different ratios of CA and L-cysteine, phosphorescence prevails in the long-lived luminescence spectrum. The duration of phosphorescence noticeably decreases in samples doped with S- and N-containing groups.


Names and surnames of research team members:


Name and surname, position

Degree/academic rank


Web of Science (ResearcherID)

Scopus AuthorID


Ibrayev N. ChRF, Supervisor

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor





Seliverstova E., SRF






Serikov T., SRF






Dzhanabekova R., JRF






Amanzholova G., JRF






Omarova G., JRF







articles, included in Clarivate Analytics and Scopus databases:

  1. Ibrayev N.Kh., Dzhanabekova R.Kh., Amanzholova G.S. Spectral and luminescent properties of carbon quantum dots functionalized with N- and S-contaning groups // Eurasian Physical Technical Journal – 2021. – Vol. 18, No. 2 (36). – P. 12-17. (Percentile Scopus 23).

2.        Ibrayev N., Dzhanabekova R., Seliverstova E., Amanzholova G. Optical properties of N- and S-doped carbon dots based on citric acid and L-cysteine // Fullerenes, Nanotubes, Carbon Nanostruct. – 2021. (in Press) (IF 1,869; WoS Q3, Percentile Scopus 45)

international conference abstracts and proceedings:

3.        Ibrayev N.Kh., Dzhanabekova R.Kh., Amanzholova G. Synthesis and study of the optical properties of carbon quantum dots // 5th International Symposium on Molecular Photonics dedicated to the memory of Academician A.N. Terenin (1896–1967). – St. Petersburg, 2021, Р. 13.

4.        Ibrayev N. Kh., Amanzholova G., Dzhanabekova R.Kh. Optical properties of N- and S-doped carbon quantum dots // Advanced Carbon Nanostructures ACNS’2021: 15th International Conference. – St. Petersburg, 2021. P. 89.


AP09259787, Name of the project topic: «Theory and practice of ensuring the quality of regulatory legal acts in the state language (in the field of civil and civil procedure legislation)»

1. IRN AP09259787, Name of the project topic: «Theory and practice of ensuring the quality of regulatory legal acts in the state language (in the field of civil and civil procedure legislation)»

2. Relevance. In Kazakhstan, issues related to the incorrect translation of legal terms in the texts of legislation in the state language are relevant. Since laws are adopted first in Russian and then translated into the state language, a direct translation of the text of the law is carried out, as a result of which the essence of legal terms changes, well-known legal terms are translated in several different versions. Such problems lead to a misunderstanding of the norms of law and the language of law in law enforcement practice.

3. Project goal. Examination of the theoretical provisions of legal technology and civil law texts in the state language, identification of errors in the translation of legal norms, generalization of examination results on poor-quality translation of legislative texts into Kazakh, to draw conclusions on improving the legal technique for developing draft legislation in the state language.

4. Expected and achieved results.

In order to improve the quality of normative legal acts in the state language, conclusions were drawn on improving the legal technique for drafting legislative acts in the state language; Proposals have been developed to improve the law-making legal technique used in the law-making process.

Linguistic expertise of texts in the Kazakh language of the Civil Code (general part) of the Republic of Kazakhstan was carried out; Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Legal Acts", the Civil Procedure Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan. As a result, incorrectly translated articles were identified by analyzing the texts of the current civil law legislation in the Kazakh language, instead, the correct translation options were proposed, conclusions were drawn to improve legal technology in the development of legislative acts in the state language.

Studied the positive experience of foreign states (the Republic of Turkey, the Republic of Uzbekistan) on the use of legal terminology in civil legislation.

5. Research team (Scopus Author ID, Researcher ID, ORCID)

Project scientific supervisor: Ilyassova Gulzhazira Aktureevna, candidate of legal sciences, professor

Hirsch index based on Scopus – 5; Author ID Scopus: 57197811182

link to the profile

Hirsch index based on Clarivate Analytics  - 2.

ORCID 0000-0002-6289-8325;

Researcher ID:  AAR-6742-2020


Нукушева Айгуль Ашимовна, кандидат юридических наук, ассоциированный профессор (доцент)

Hirsch index based on Scopus - 4 (Author ID Scopus: 57193229324)

link to the profile


Рустембекова Динара Кенжебековна, доктор философии (PhD), ассоциированный профессор (доцент)

Hirsch index based on Scopus – 4 (Author ID Scopus: 56027909500 )

link to the profile


Акимжанова Маржангуль Турсунхановна, Доктор филоофии (PhD)

Hirsch index based on Scopus - 2 (Author ID Scopus: 57204332730) 

link to the profile


Токатов Руслан Алтаевич, магистр юридических наук, старший преподаватель


Асетова Гулнур Бакытовна, магистр юридических наук, докторант

Hirsch index based on Scopus -1 (Author ID Scopus: 57212001073)

link to the profile


6. List of publications

Articles in the domestic publication recommended by CFCSES:

1) Тоқатов Р.А., Оралбаев Н.К. Қазақстан Республикасы Азаматтық кодексіндегі заң техникасы ережелерінің сақталуы туралы // Вестник Карагандинского университета. -  Серия ПРАВО – 2021. - № 2(102). – С.109-117.

2) Нукушева А.А., Рустембекова Д.К. Шет тілінен енгізілген заңдық терминологияларды азаматтық заңнамада қолдану туралы // Вестник Карагандинского университета. -  Серия ПРАВО – 2021. - № 3 (103). – С.142-154.

3) Ілиясова Г.А., Әсетова Г.Б. Қазіргі азаматтық іс жүргізу заңнамасында заңдық терминологияларды қолдану мəселесі // Вестник Карагандинского университета.-Серия ПРАВО – 2021. - № 3 (103). – С.127-134.

4) Тоқатов Р.А., Акимжанова М.Т. Қазақстан Республикасының Азаматтық кодексінің (Жалпы бөлім) қазақ жəне орыс тілдеріндегі мəтіндерінің дəлме-дəлдігі туралы // Вестник Карагандинского университета. -  Серия ПРАВО – 2021. - № 3 (103). – С.135-141. DOI

5) Alieva L.R., Ilyassova G.A. The concept, conditions and legal consequences of adoption  (adrogation) of a child under the Republic of Kazakhstan legislation // Вестник Карагандинского университета. -  Серия ПРАВО – 2021. - № 3 (103). – С.155-162.

Аrticles published in materials of international conferences:

1) Ильясова Г.А., Рустембекова Д.К. Заң шығару процесінің түсінігі мен мәні // Матеріали Міжнародної науково-практичної інтернет-конференції «Тенденції та перспективи розвитку науки і освіти в умовах глобалізації»: Зб. наук. праць. Переяслав, 2021. Вип. 71. – С. 125-126.

2) Тоқатов Р.А. Қазақстан Республикасы Азаматтық кодексін қазақ тілінде қалыптастырудағы заңдық техника ережелерінің сақталу кемшіліктері // Қазақстан Республикасының Конституциясы құқықтық мемлекет кепілі ретінде: халықаралық ғылыми-практикалық конференция материалдары. – Қарағанды: ҚР Ішкі істер министрлігі Б.Бейсенов атындағы Қарағанды академиясы, 2021. - С. 155-159.

3) Ильясова Г.А., Рустембекова Д.К., Нукушева А.А. Нормативтік құқықтық терминологияның кейбір мәселелері // Materiály XVIII Mezinárodní vĕdecko - praktická konference «Aktuální vymoženosti vědy -2021», Volume 7: Praha. Publishing House «Education and Science», 2021. - С.76-79.

4) Ильясова Г.А., Жамиева Р.М. Қазақстан Республикасының азаматтық кодексіндегі заңдық терминология мәселесі туралы // Академик С.З. Зиманов — ғалым, педагог, мемлекет және қоғам қайраткері: халықарал. ғыл.-практ. онлайн конф. материалдары (23 маусым): ғылыми электрондық басылым. Қарағанды: «Акад. Е.А. Бөкетов ат. Қарағанды ун-ті» КЕАҚ баспасы, 2021.- С. 80-82.

5) Тоқатов Р.А., Садепхан А. Тілдің пәрмендігі заңның дәрмендігі // Академик С.З. Зиманов — ғалым, педагог, мемлекет және қоғам қайраткері : халықарал. ғыл.-практ. онлайн конф. материалдары (23 маусым): ғылыми электрондық басылым. Қарағанды: «Акад. Е.А. Бөкетов ат. Қарағанды ун-ті» КЕАҚ баспасы, 2021. - С.142-144.

6) Садепхан А., Тоқатов Р.А. Азаматтық құқық саласындағы қазақ тіліндегі заң актілерін аударуға қатысты өзекті мәселелер // Қазақстан тәуелсіздіктің 30 жылдығында: өткенге шолу, бүгін және болашақ: Қазақстан Республикасы Тәуелсіздігінің 30 жылдығына арналған халықаралық ғылыми-практикалық on-line конференция материалдары, 27 мамыр 2021 жыл. – Қарағанды, 2021. – Б. 262-267.

7) Токатов Р.А., Сыздыкова Л.Н. Азаматтық құқық саласын реттейтін заңнамалық актілерді қазақ тілінде қалыптастыру // Ұлттық құқық жүйенің дамуы және қазақстандық мемлекеттіліктің теориялық және тарихи негіздерін нығайту арналған Халықаралық ғылыми-тәжірибелік конференцияның материалдары.-Қарағанды: ҚарУ, 2021. – С. 217-221.

Аrticles published in the materials of republican conferences:

1) Токатов Р.А., Садепхан А. Қазақстан Республикасы Азаматтық кодексін қазақ тілінде қалыптастырудағы заңдық техника ережелерінің сақталу кемшіліктері // Қазақстан Республикасы Тәуелсіздігінің 30 жылдығына арналған. Заң ғылымы мен құқық қолдану практикасының заманауи мәселелері. Республикалық ғылыми-практикалық конференцияның материалдары.- 2021 ж. 30 сәуір, Орал. – С. 221-224.

2) Мартбек А. (научный руководитель Ильясова Г.А.) Заңдық актілердің мемлекеттік тілдегі мәтіндеріне қатысты мәселелер // Қазақстан Республикасы Тәуелсіздігінің 30 жылдығына арналған. Заң ғылымы мен құқық қолдану практикасының заманауи мәселелері. Республикалық ғылыми-практикалық конференцияның материалдары.- 2021 ж. 30 сәуір, Орал. – С. 43-44.

An article published in a foreign edition:

1) Ilyassova G.A., Nukusheva A.A. Use of borrowed terminology in the modern civil legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan // Sciences of Europe - No 79 (2021) - Vol. 3  (Praha, Czech Republic) – Pp. 13-15.

Articles published in scientific journals of Kazakhstan:

1) Сыздыкова Л.Н. (Ғылыми жетекші Токатов Р.А.). Азаматтық құқық саласындағы заңнамалық актілердің мазмұнын қазақ тілінде қалыптастыруға байланысты өзекті мәселелер // Научные труды "Әділет". - 2021. - №2. - С. 328-332.

2) Садепхан А. (Ғылыми жетекші Токатов Р.А.) Бояуы бозарған тілде қабылданған заң қыры сынған болашаққа негіз // Глобальная науки и инновация 2021: Центральная Азия. Серия «Юридические науки». – 2021. - №3 (14). -  Б.42-46.

Acts on the implementation of the results of research work:

1) The act on the introduction into the educational process for teaching the disciplines "Civil law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (general part)" and "Civil procedural law of the Republic of Kazakhstan" to students studying in the specialty "6В030100-Jurisprudence" (bachelor's degree) at the law faculty of Karaganda University named after academician E. A. Buketov (October 6, 2021);

2) The act on the introduction into the educational process of the results of linguistic and legal examination of texts in the Kazakh language "Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan (general part)" and the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Legal Acts" for teaching the discipline "Civil Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan" of the Karaganda Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after B. Beisenov (November 1, 2021);

3) The act on the introduction into the law enforcement practice of the Interdistrict Specialized Court for Minors of the Karaganda Region of the results of linguistic and legal examination of texts in the Kazakh language "Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan (general part)" and the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Legal Acts" (November 3, 2021);

4)  Act on the introduction into the law enforcement practice of the Department of Justice of the Karaganda region of the results of linguistic and legal examination of texts in the Kazakh language "Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan (general part)" and the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Legal Acts" (November 4, 2021);

5) The act on the introduction into the law enforcement practice of the Department of Justice of the Karaganda region of the results of linguistic and legal examination of the text "Decision of the Karaganda regional maslikhat dated February 25, 2021 No. 32" On approval of the rules for grazing farm animals in the territory of the Karaganda region ", registered by the Department of Justice of the Karaganda region on March 1, 2021 No. 6218 "in Kazakh (November 4, 2021);

6) The act on the introduction into the legislative process of the Committee on Legislation and Judicial and Legal Reform of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan of the results of linguistic and legal examination of texts in the Kazakh language "Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan (general part)" and the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Legal Acts" (November 5, 2021).


AP09259233 “Linguocognitive and discursive foundations of national identity in the context of foreign language education”.

1. Project title:

AP09259233 “Linguocognitive and discursive foundations of national identity in the context of foreign language education”.


2.  Topicality. In the modern world, along with globalization processes, increasing the economic and cultural homogeneity of the world, parallel and oppositely directed processes of exacerbating national feelings, the growth of fundamentalism are taking place, the importance of the category of national identity, as an essential variable of modern society, is growing.

3.  Project goal is to study the linguocognitive and discursive nature of identity, the mechanisms of its verbal explication through the prism of the national worldview, to disclose its transformation processes in various linguistic cultures.


4.  Expected and achieved results.

The results of the study were reflected in the form of 24 scientific and scientific-methodical works, including 1 textbook, 1 article in a journal included in the RSCI database, 2 articles in journals recommended by CCSES.

For the first time in Kazakhstani science, the problem of national identity is analyzed from linguo-cognitive and discursive positions.


5.  Names and surnames of research team members.

1) Issina Gaukhar Ilikeshevna - Scopus ID 57189986550; ORCID ID 0000-0003-1853-8901; Researcher ID AAJ-2622-2021. /gaukhar-issina/

2) Abisheva Vera Tokenovna - Scopus ID 57194684198

3) Amanbekova Darina Ergalykyzy

4) Omarbek Nazym Bekbolatkyzy

5) Kozhakhmetova Araygul Kuanyshevna

6) Nurgaliyev Anuar Kairatovich


6.  List of publications.

1 Учебное пособие: Исина Г.И. Linguoculturological Dictionary of Concepts: lexico-phraseological representation. Textbook / G.I. Issina. - Karaganda, 2021. - 108 pages.

2 РИНЦ ИФ – 0,757. Исина Г.И., Саган А.И. Социальная направленность рок-поэзии: идеалы и установки. Международный журнал экспериментального образования. – Москва. – 2021. – № 2 – С.71-75. РИНЦ ИФ – 0,757.

3 КОКСОН: Abisheva V.T., Issina G.I. Linguocognitive potential of publicistic discourse. Вестник Евразийского национального университета им. Л.Н. Гумилева. – Серия Журналистика. – Нур-Султан. – 2021. - № 2 (135) – С.83-92.

4 КОКСОН: Карпова С.К., Абишева В.Т. Развитие научно-популярной журналистики в эпоху глобализации. Вестник Карагандинского университета. - № 1 (101). – Караганда. - 2021. – С.90-95.


5 Issina G.I., Utepova S.A. Identity as an interdisciplinary category in modern science. Sciences of Europe – Praga. – Vol. 3, No 70. - 2021. – P.69-71.

6. Issina G.I. Language as an identifying feature of an ethnic community. The Strategies of Modern Science Development: Mat. internat. scienc.-pract. conf. -  Morrisville, NC, USA. – 2021. – P.43-47.

7. Issina G.I., Davydova Y.Y. Identity types and their connection with language. World science: problems, prospects and innovations: Mater. of the XI intern. scient.-pract. conf. – Toronto, Canada. - 2021. – P.48-52.

8. Исина Г.И., Турысбекова А. К вопросу определения понятия "ценности" в этнической картине мира. The Europe and the Turkic World: Science, Engineering and Technology: Mat. internat. scienc.-pract. conf. – Bursa, 2021. – V.III - P. 224-227.

9 Issina G.I., Omarbek N.B. Peculiarities of space perception in different ethnic groups. Innovation Management and Technology in the Era of Globalization: Mater. of the VIII intern. scient.-pract. conf. – Birmingham. - 2021. – Vol. 2. – P.320-324.

10 Исина Г.И., Давыдова Я.Ю. К проблеме гендерных исследований в современной лингвистике. Евразийский союз ученых. – Москва, 2021. - № 1 (82).  – Том 4. Серия Филологические науки. – С.11-13.

11  Исина Г.И., Финагенова В.А. К проблеме вербализации религиозных концептов. The scientific Heritage. - Budapest, 2021. - № 60. - Vol.3. – P. 63-65.

12. Исина Г.И., Омарбек Н.Б. Вербальные средства экспликации пространственной категории. Innovative Processes Management in the Context of Education and Science Modernization: Mat. internat. scienc.-pract. conf. - Hamburg, 2021. – V.II - P.352-356.

13 Кожахметова А.К. Шет тілін ана тілмен салыстыра отырып оқыту маңызы. Science and education in the modern world: challenges of the XXI century. Мат. IX междунар. научн. конф. – Нур-Султан. – 2021. – C. 56-58.

14 Аманбекова Д. Language conceptual sphere in the structure of consciousness. Мат. XV Междунар. научн. конф. студентов и молодых ученых «ǴYLYM JÁNE BILIM - 2021». – Нур-Султан. –2021. – С.2883-2888.

15 Кожахметова А.К. Қашықтықтан оқыту кезінде техникалық құралдарды сауатты әрі жүйелі түрде қолдану. Global science and innovations: Central Asia. Мат. XII Междунар. научн. конф. – Нур-Султан. – 2021. – С. 116-118.

16  Питиримова Т.В., Исина Г.И. Этнокультурные особенности речевого этикета. Лучшая научно-исследовательская работа 2021: XXX Междунар. научн.-исследов. конкурс. – Пенза. – 2021. – С.66-68.   Диплом 2 степени.

17 Ботиенко Н.В. (научн. рук. Исина Г.И.) Концепт «мода» в русском и английском языковом сознании. Международный конкурс научных работ бакалавров,  магистрантов и аспирантов по проблемам лингвистики и лингводидактики. – Новосибирск: НГПУ. – 2021. – С.98-101.  Диплом 1 степени. 

18   Холстинина К.А. (научн. рук. Исина Г.И.)  Дискурс как объект исследования в современной научной парадигме. Reseacher Leader: Мат. междунар. научн.-исследоват. конкурса. – Петрозаводск, 2021. -  C. 243-247.  Диплом 1 степени. 

19 Финагенова В.А. (научн. рук. Исина Г.И.)  К проблеме вербализации этнического сознания в различных лингвокультурных общностях. Мат. V междунар. конкурса молодых ученых. – Пенза, 2021. – С. 81-84.   Диплом 1 степени.

20. Ботиенко Н.В. (научн. рук. Исина Г.И.) Концепт как единица сознания в лингвистике. Современные тенденции языкового образования: опыт, проблемы, переспективы: сборн. стат. III междунар. научн.-практ. конф. – Арзамас: филиал ННГУ. – 2021. – С. 296-305. 

21 Катпышова Д.С. (научн. рук. Абишева В.Т.) Своеобразие творчества журналиста в условиях медиакогнвергенции. Букетовские чтения – 2021: Матер. регионал. научн.-практ. конф. маг и студ. - Караганда, 2021. - С.112-114. Диплом 2 степени в номинации «Актуальность научной работы».

22  Ботиенко Н.В. (научн. рук. Исина Г.И.)  Семантические особенности концепта «мода» в английском и русском языках. Букетовские чтения – 2021: Матер. регионал. научн.-практ. конф. маг и студ. - Караганда, 2021. - С.97-99. Диплом 3 степени в номинации «Практическая значимость работы». 

23 Issina G.I. Syllabus for discipline “Cognitive bases of foreign language discourse” for the specialty ‘Foreign philology’, Karaganda, 2021. - 20 p.

24 Issina G.I. Syllabus for discipline “Language and intercultural communication” for the specialty ‘Foreign philology’, Karaganda, 2021. - 27 p.


AP09259548 «Cryopreservation of wild and medicinal plant seeds and organization of a short-term and long-term storage bank»

IRN and name of the project: AP09259548 «Cryopreservation of wild and medicinal plant seeds and organization of a short-term and long-term storage bank»

Actuality. The ratification by Kazakhstan of the Convention on Biological Diversity and the Nagoya Protocol involves addressing a number of issues related to the preservation of elements, both wild flora and the potential of cultivated plants.

For the conservation and balanced use of the elements of biological diversity, the Convention identifies a number of topical issues, among which the following strategic task can be distinguished: the creation of banks of germplasm (seed material, meristem, buds, frozen cells and tissues) of plants.

The scientific novelty of the project is that the implementation of research in fully corresponds to the priorities of socio-economic development of Kazakhstan. The obtained results will make it possible to supplement information about the biological features of medicinal plants, to develop the basis for their preservation using cryopreservation methods. For the first time, conditions for freezing and defrosting of seed material will be determined; methodological recommendations and protocols for freezing for each studied species will be developed; optimal types and mixtures of cryoprotectors will be determined and effective physical methods for activating viability will be proposed.

The significance of the Project on a national and international scale is the practical implementation of the requirement of the Convention on Biodiversity and the Nagoya Protocol (2014), since countries should be responsible for preserving their biological diversity; fill the overall deficit of information and knowledge related to its conservation and sustainable development.

The practical importance of conducting research is due to the need of Kazakhstan to create a cryobank of plant seeds for short and long-term storage.

Goal – is to study methods and conditions of cryopreservation, subsequent defrosting of plant material and activation of viability of seeds of perspective medicinal plants for development of low-temperature freezing algorithms and organization of the bank for short-term and long-term storage.


The viability of the seed material of medicinal plants after cryopreservation depending on the moisture content of the starting material has been studied (3; 5; 7 and 14%), the type of container (plastic cryo tubes, foil bags ZipLock, paper envelopes, metal containers) and pre-treatment (postponement before sowing, soaking in growth regulators: heteroauxin 0.001%, potassium humate 0.01%, epin 0.001%, rhizomine 0.05%). It is established that the maximum indicators of viability and energy of germination of seeds of the majority of species of the studied herbs (Portulaca oleracea, Hypericum perforatum, Thymus serpyllum, Nepeta cataria, Teucrium polium, Plantago media, Chamomilla recutita, Lychnis chalcedonica and others) are observed at the minimum humidity of 3-5%. For species such as Silybum marianum, Calendula officinalis, Leonurus glaucenscens, Echinacea purpurea, Chartolepis intermedia, Serratula coronata, no reliable relationship was found between the germination and humidity of the starting seed. The plastic cryopriters and foil bags were optimal packaging for freezing seeds in liquid nitrogen using cryoprotectants and without them. The viability of the seeds in the paper and metal containers was lower than the control values. According to all versions of the experiment, morphometric indicators (height, root length, length and width of cotyledon leaves) of seedlings of medicinal plants were established. Pre-treatment of seeds after cryopreservation showed higher germination and germination energy. Thus, the maximal values ​ ​ were obtained against the background of the use of epin and potassium humate (12-28% higher than the control). Soaking in solutions of heteroauxin and rhizomine gave a slight increase in germination (by 6-9%) in comparison with control values.

Experiments were carried out to determine the optimal types and concentrations of cryoprotectants (glycerin, sucrose, glucose, fructose in concentrations of 5; 10; 15; 20; 25; 30; 35 and 40%; propylene glycol, ethylene glycol in concentrations of 5; 10; 15 and 20%; DMSO at concentrations of 5, 10 and 15%; PVS-2), their mixtures for preservation and increase of seed germination during cryopreservation. It was determined that the optimal cryoprotector for the seeds Chamomilla recutita and Verbascum thapsus is DMSO at a concentration of 5%, PVS2; Linum perenne is glycerol at a concentration of 40% or ethylene glycol at a concentration of 20%; Chartolepis intermedia - sucrose at a concentration of 5%; Nepeta cataria - glucose at a concentration of 15%; Scabiosa ochroleuca, Scabiosa isetensis - sucrose at a concentration of 10%; Plantago media - DMSO at a concentration of 10%; Hyssopus officinalis - glucose at a concentration of 40%, Valeriana officinalis - fructose 25%, Silybum marianum - glucose 15%, 25%, 40% and fructose 20%, 30%, Lychnis chalcedonica - sucrose 15%. For the seeds Calendula officinalis, Salvia stepposa, Ziziphora clinopodioides, Echinacea purpurea, Nigella sativa and Leonurus glaucescens, the use of cryoprotectors is not advisable.

Optimization of step freezing and defrosting of plant seeds was carried out to preserve maximum viability. Step freezing was carried out according to the following protocol: 30 minutes of cooling in the refrigerating compartment - 0-2 ºC, 30 minutes in the freezing compartment –12 ºC, 30 minutes in nitrogen vapors –174 ºC, immersion in nitrogen, -196 ºC. Defrosting was carried out in the reverse order: liquefied nitrogen vapors, a freezer, a refrigerator and a climatic chamber during +24 ºC. The results of experiments for a number of drug cultures showed an increase in germination and germination energy in comparison with shock freezing, rapid and slow defrosting. Thus, the germination of Calendula officinalis seeds with staged freezing and defrosting was 12.5% higher than control, Serratula corotana - 15%, Patrinia intermedia - 18.3%, Salvia stepposa - 21%, Echinacea purpurea - 11%, Lychnis chalcedonica - sucrose 15%. For the seeds Calendula officinalis, Salvia stepposa, Ziziphora clinopodioides, Echinacea purpurea, Nigella sativa and Leonurus glaucescens, the use of cryoprotectors is not advisable. The obtained data are included in the protocols of freezing and defrosting of seed material of the above plants.

The impact of cryopreservation conditions on the germination of species and variety samples of seeds Echinacea purpurea variety Livadia, Matricaria recutita varieties Karagandinskaya, Starij Lekar and Podmoskovnaya, Nepeta cataria varieties Basilio and Kentawr, Thymus serpyllum varieties Aromat, Medok, Limonchello, Leonurus cardiacа variety Samarskij was evaluated It was revealed that for varietal seeds, cryopreservation conditions differ from species wild specimens. So, most samples of varietal seeds need to be frozen in plastic containers, the freezing and defrosting option is 3-stage, mandatory use of cryoprotectors. The optimal cryoprotector for Matricaria recutita varieties is PVS2, Echinacea purpurea - fructose 20%, Nepeta cataria propylene glycol 20% and sucrose 25%, Thymus serpyllum varieties - glycerin 35%, Leonurus cardiaca - sucrose In general, the germination rate and germination energy were 6.5-15% lower than that of non-grade seeds, so experiments are needed to select conditions for germination activation.

It is planned:

The influence of physical methods of seed material activation on anatomical, ultramicroscopic indicators of plants will be established. Data on the success of cryopreservation conditions depending on the ecology and biology of medicinal plants will be obtained.

Short-term and long-term freeze conditions will be optimized; cryopreservation protocols for 20 species have been developed; the seed bank for 40 taxa has been created.

Information on members of the research team:


Name, surname

Scopus Author ID

Researcher ID


Ishmuratova Margarita Yulayevna



Tleukenova Saltanat Ushkempirovna



Kali Almagul Kaliyevna




Gavrilkova Elena Anatol’evna



Ramazanov Alibek Kaidenovich



Әменова Данагуль Манатовна




Baigarayev Damirzhan Shayakhmetuly



Musina Rosa Tletayevna





Lists of publication:

1 Arystan L.B., Kamsayeva T.Kh., Tleukenova S.U., Sirman D.Yu., Nurkenova A.T. Effects of carbohydrate content in seeds on the germination and viability after cryopreservation // Bulletin of the Karaganda University. Series biology. Medicine. Geography. – 2021. - № 1 (101). – Р. 6-13.

2  Ishmuratova M.Yu., Baigarayev D.S., Tleukenova S.U., Gavrilkova E.A., Ramasanov A.K., Zhumina A.G. Development of cryopreservation methods for seed of Nepeta cataria // Bulletin of the Karaganda University. Series biology. Medicine. Geography. – 2021. - № 2 (102). – Р. 37-42.

3 Ishmuratova M.Yu. To assess the germination of Valeriana officinalis seeds after cryopreservation using various containers and defrosting methods // Experimental and theoretical studies in modern science: a collection of articles on LXIX materials Intern Sci-Pract Conf. - Novosibirsk, 2021. - P. 4-8

4 Ishmuratova M.Yu., Tleukenova S.U. Development of methods for cryopreservation of seed material of Plantago media // 90 years old plantain - from plant to drug: achievements and prospects: collection of materials of Intern. Sci Conf. - Moscow: All-Russian Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, 2021. - P. 131-135

5 Ishmuratova M.Yu., Tleukenova S.U., Ramasanov A.K., Gavrilkova E., Ageev D.V. Study of the Cryopreservation for seed materials of Chаrtolepis intermedia Boiss. // Bio Web of Conferences “Northern Asia Plant Diversity”. – 2021. - Vol. 38. - Article ID 00046.

6 Ishmuratova M.Yu., Tleukenova S.U., Auelbekova A.K., Gavrilkova E.A., Musina R.T. Selection of cryoprotectors for cryopreservation of Valeriana officinalis seeds // Materials of international scientific and practical aspects. conf. "Independence of Kazakhstan: aspects of biodiversity conservation," dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor N.M. Mukhitdinov. - Almaty, 2021. - P. 83-85

7 Gavrilkova E.A., Ishmuratova M.Yu., Tleukenova S.U., Musina R.T., Ramazanov A.K., Ageev D.V. Cryogenic storage of seed material Echinacea purpurea variety "Livadia" using cryoprotectors // Materials of international scientific and practical aspects. conf. "Independence of Kazakhstan: aspects of biodiversity conservation," dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor N.M. Mukhitdinov. - Almaty, 2021. - P. 43-45.

8 Tleukenova S.U., Gavrilkova E.A., Musina R.T., Amangeldina A.A., Ramazanov A.K., Ageev D.V. Assessment of the impact of container on the germination and germination energy of Hypericum perforatum seeds of varieties “Aibolit” and “Optimist” // Materials of international scientific and practical aspects. conf. "Independence of Kazakhstan: aspects of biodiversity conservation," dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor N.M. Mukhitdinov. - Almaty, 2021. - P. 157-160.


AP09259147 "Culture of the nomadic population of Saryarka in the Middle Ages (based on the materials of burial and ritual complexes)".

1. AP09259147 "Culture of the nomadic population of Saryarka in the Middle Ages (based on the materials of burial and ritual complexes)".

2. The relevance of the research lies in the first attempted purposeful and systematic archaeological study of medieval burial and ritual-memorial monuments of Central Kazakhstan, which will create a reliable base for further specialized studies of certain areas of the indicated problem. Mapping of medieval monuments in the region with a reliable spatial location of objects on a topographic basis, based on the processing of the available passports of monuments and the results of prospecting and exploration works proposed by this project, will make it possible to localize them, identify the features of their location, and also visually assess the most promising and / or poorly studied areas of the region ... Fieldwork on the monuments of the ancient Turkic, Kypchak and Golden Horde times will lead to an expansion of the base of available sources and will provide new information about the burial, ritual sphere and the world of objects.

3. The aim of the project is to gain new knowledge about the material aspects of the culture of the medieval nomads of Saryarka through archaeological and natural science research of material sources.

4. Expected and achieved results. The implementation of the project will make it possible to start a purposeful study of burial and ritual-memorial complexes of the early and developed Middle Ages in Central Kazakhstan, which are practically unexplored in archaeological terms. The identification of new and spatial localization of well-known medieval objects of historical and cultural heritage will not only lead to the expansion of the state register of monuments and serve as a practical contribution to their preservation, but will also allow preserving public funds during the further economic development of the region.

The main results obtained: a historiographic review of the archaeological study of the ancient Turkic monuments of Kazakhstan was compiled; prospecting and exploration work, processing of the passports of the monuments in order to concretize the number of ancient Turkic complexes identified in the territory of Saryarka were carried out; field archaeological research of ancient Turkic complexes was carried out; the funeral rite and the world of objects of the ancient Turks of Saryarka were analyzed.

5. Research team members:

- Kukushkin Alexey Igorevich (project manager, PhD, Senior Researcher). Scopus Author ID: 57192093415 (; ORCiD ID: 0000-0002-6262-464X (

- Dmitriyev Yevgeniy Anatoliyevich (junior researcher). Scopus Author ID: 57192101560 (; ORCiD ID: 0000-0002-1440-7675 (

- Yedgina Galina Tleubekovna (junior researcher). Scopus Author ID: 57194946434 (; ORCiD ID: 0000-0003-1380-0077 (

- Zhusupov Dauren Seitovich (junior researcher).

- Maken Adil Bolatovich (junior researcher).

- Bodeyev Kanat Turumovich (junior researcher).

6. List of publications:

- Дмитриев Е.А. Типологические особенности памятников монгольского времени (Центральный Казахстан) // Сохранение и изучение культурного наследия Алтайского края. – Барнаул: Изд-во АлтГУ, 2021. - Вып. 27. – С. 188–194 (Режим доступа:

- Ломан В.Г., Бейсенов А.З., Евдокимов В.В., Тулеуов Т.С., Кукушкин А.И., Макен А.Б., Шохатаев О.С. Археологическая карта Каркаралинского района Карагандинской области. – Караганда, 2021. – 194 с.


AP09260879 «Research of markers of social ranking of the Bronze Age society of Saryarka according to the data of funeral rituals».

1. AP09260879 «Research of markers of social ranking of the Bronze Age society of Saryarka according to the data of funeral rituals».

2. Relevance of the research: due to the lack of development of this issue, research works aimed at isolating markers of social ranking, the organizational foundations of the Bronze Age society and their dynamics throughout the Bronze Age acquire special relevance and novelty. The proposed project presupposes the first systematic study of this issue on the basis of an analytical generalization of the massive archaeological material obtained over many years of research in Saryarka.

3. The goal of the project is to concretize and systematize markers of early forms of ranking in the socio-organizational structure of the Bronze Age society of Saryarka, carried out through analytical processing of massive archaeological material of a burial nature.

4. Expected and achieved results. Scientific developments built on a solid source base make it possible to classify both “thin” lines and obvious forms of social ranking of the ancient society, which could be carried out in various ways, often not coinciding in the known ethnocultural formations of this period. Analysis of a huge information layer will make it possible to consider the Bronze Age of Central Kazakhstan in a more historical, eventful sphere, saturated with specific social content.

The main results obtained: primary data, giving an objective idea of the number and diversity of the investigated Alakul burial structures of the Bronze Age on the territory of Central Kazakhstan based on the materials of available sources were collected and systematized; the characteristic serial markers , indicating the social ranking and reflecting the cultural code, forms of political genesis among the carriers of the Alakul cultural traditions of Saryarka were identified and grouped; field archaeological research at the Alakul burial sites of the Bronze Age to verify the obtained markers was carried out.

5. Research team members:

- Kukushkin Igor Alekseyevich (project manager, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Leading Researcher). Scopus Author ID: 56329387800 ( =56329387800); ORCiD ID: 0000-0002-4798-8496 (

- Loman Valery Grigoriyevich (Candidate of Historical Sciences, Chief Researcher). Scopus Author ID: 57192104036 (; ORCiD ID: 0000-0001-6951-0509 (

- Bedelbayeva Marina Vasiliyevna (Candidate of Historical Sciences , Senior Researcher).

- Dmitriyev Yevgeniy Anatoliyevich (junior researcher). Scopus Author ID: 57192101560 (; ORCiD ID: 0000-0002-1440-7675 (

- Maken Adil Bolatovich (junior researcher).

- Kim Vadim Alekseyevich (junior researcher).

- Shokhatayev Olzhas Sayatovich (junior researcher).

6. List of publications:

- Дмитриев Е.А. Бедельбаева М.В., Кукушкин И.А. Материалы могильника Кетабан-2 и петроглифы битреугольного изобразительного стиля в Центральном Казахстана // Археология Казахстана. № 1. – 2021. – С. 35-53 (Режим доступа:

- Kukushkin I.A. Sintashta as a Cultural and Historical Phenomenon of the Bronze Age // Theory and Practice of Archaeological Research. 2021. No. 33 (3). Pp. 43-67 (Режим доступа:

- Папин Д.В., Федорук А.С., Ломан В.Г., Степанова Н.Ф. Лепная керамика периода поздней бронзы поселения Бурла-3 // Теория и практика археологических исследований. 2021. Т. 33, №2. С. 175-192 (Режим доступа:

- Папин Д.В., Степанова Н.Ф., Федорук А.С., Федорук О.С., Ломан В.Г. Керамика андроновской (федоровской) культуры поселения Жарково-3 // Вестник археологии, антропологии и этнографии. 2021. № 2 (53). С. 40-51 (Режим доступа:

AP09261199 “Development of urban tourist routes in Central Kazakhstan based on using of smart technologies in the context of tourism digitalization”
  1. IRN, name of the project: AP09261199 “Development of urban tourist routes in Central Kazakhstan based on using of smart technologies in the context of tourism digitalization”.
  2. The relevance of the project is determined, firstly, by the ever-growing role of digitalization tools in the process of creating and offering tourist services, and secondly, by the lack of developed urban tourist routes in the cities of Central Kazakhstan and presented on the izi.Travel platform. Today, more and more potential consumer of travel services turns to the applications of the AppStore and PlayMarket in search of the most convenient applications for their trip. The main cohort of such mobile services includes smart audio guides, one of which is izi.Travel, which provides opportunities for the creation and subsequent download of any thematic routes for free.

The relevance of the topic of the presented scientific project is determined, firstly, by the increasing role of digitalization tools in the process of creating and offering tourist services, and secondly, by the lack of developed urban tourist routes in the cities of Central Kazakhstan and presented on the izi.Travel platform. Today, more and more potential consumer of travel services turns to the applications of the AppStore and PlayMarket in search of the most convenient applications for their trip. The main cohort of such mobile services includes smart audio guides, one of which is izi.Travel, which provides opportunities for the creation and subsequent download of any thematic routes for free.

  1. The goal of the project is the development of tourist routes in the cities of Central Kazakhstan, their digitization (information, audio (in three languages), photo and video content creation) and placement on the izi.Travel platform for a wide range of users.
  2. Expected and achieved results:

Expected results:

  1. Expansion of the terminological apparatus of the theory of tourism economics, in particular, the author's definition of the concept of “smart technologies in tourism” will be given, and, on the basis of the proposed classification features, the types of audio guides will be highlighted; the specifics of using the smart technologies in the tourism business were determined and software products used to create audio guides on IoS, Android platforms and in the development of desktop versions (for PC) were analyzed.
  2. Comprehensive assessment of the state of tourism infrastructure (tourist facilities, industrial infrastructure (transport, ICT, etc.), related to the tourism industry, as well as the infrastructure of the service sector (activities of tour operators and travel agents, accommodation facilities, catering facilities, trade, enterprises recreation and entertainment)), as well as the excursion routes, offered by tourist companies in the domestic tourist market, and presented on the Internet, in the cities of Central Kazakhstan.
  3. Revealing the peculiarities of using smart technologies in the structure of tourist and excursion services and carrying out content analysis of the content of smart audio guides in the world's leading tourist centers.
  4. Creation the urban tourist routes “City Geometry” (sightseeing tours of the objects of the cities of Karaganda, Temirtau, Zhezkazgan), “Murals and graffiti of Karaganda”, “Where? Where? In Karaganda!” (a walk through the famous and unusual monuments of Karaganda), “Karaganda is the forge of knowledge”, “Shady alleys, fountains and parks of Karaganda”, “Balkhash is the pearl of Central Kazakhstan”, their digitization (information, audio (in three languages), photo - and video content creation) and placement on the izi.Travel platform for subsequent widespread using by residents and non-residents of the region and country.
  5. Publication of the project results in peer-reviewed scientific journals, as well as the publication of a monograph.

Results achieved in 2021:

1) The terminological apparatus of the theory of tourism economics has been developed, in particular, the author's interpretation of the concept of “Smart technologies in tourism” has been given, the classification of types of audio guides has been expanded.

2) The research of the tourist attractiveness of the cities of Central Kazakhstan (Karaganda, Temirtau, Zhezkazgan, Balkhash) has begun (work will continue in 2022). The comprehensive assessment of tourist facilities, industrial infrastructure (transport, ICT, etc.) related to the tourism industry, as well as the infrastructure of the service sector (activities of tour operators and travel agents, accommodation facilities, catering facilities, trade) of the cities of Karaganda, Temirtau, Zhezkazgan and Balkhash is given. Excursion routes in the structure of domestic urban tourism offered by tourist companies in the cities of Central Kazakhstan have been studied. The available excursion routes in the domestic tourism market of Central Kazakhstan have been identified, and their popularity has been assessed.

3) The analysis and identification of the features of the using of smart technologies in the structure of tourist and excursion services has begun and a content analysis of the content of smart audio guides in the world's leading tourist centers has been carried out (work will continue in 2022-2023). The role and significance of smart technologies in the system of promoting urban tourism in St. Petersburg are investigated. The features of the using of smart technologies in the structure of tourist and excursion services in the city of St. Petersburg are revealed based on the analyzing the number of tourist routes by members of the research group using the izi.Travel application.

  1. Names of the research group’s members with their identifiers (Scopus Author ID, Researcher ID, ORCID, if available, and links to the authors’ profiles):

1) D.G. Mamrayeva, Scopus Author ID: 55357690300; Researcher ID: N-6945-2015; ORCID: 0000-0001-8508-7317;

2) L.V. Mamrayeva, Scopus Author ID: 55356992700; Researcher ID: B-4876-2013; ORCID: 0000-0001-5022-0421;

3) Z.N. Borbasova, Scopus Author ID: 57148334500; ORCID: 0000-0002-6717-7471; 

4) M.P. Ayaganova,  Scopus Author ID: 57200223908; ORCID: 0000-0003-1530-4704;

5) D.A. Torzhanova, Scopus Author ID: ; Researcher ID: U-5965-2018; ORCID: 0000-0002-2566-1863; 

6) A.M. Ramazanova;

7) L.M. Dauletbayeva;

8) D.D. Grebenyuk.

  1. List of publications (with links) and patents for 2021:

1) Ташенова Л.В., Мамраева Д.Г. Особенности применения аудиогидов в условиях цифровизации туризма: взгляд экспертов // Сборник трудов Национальной (Всероссийской) научно-практической конференции с зарубежным участием «Цифровая экономика, умные инновации и технологии» (18-20 апреля, 2021 г.) / СПб.: ПОЛИТЕХ-ПРЕСС, 2021. – С. 415-417 (РИНЦ), (In Russ.);

2) Мамраева Д.Г., Бименде А.С. Применение мобильных аудиогидов как фактор развития цифровизации в туристской отрасли // Сборник трудов Национальной (Всероссийской) научно-практической конференции с зарубежным участием «Цифровая экономика, умные инновации и технологии» (18-20 апреля, 2021 г.) / СПб.: ПОЛИТЕХ-ПРЕСС, 2021. – С. 401-403 (РИНЦ), (In Russ.);

3) Сатыбалдинова А.А., Гребенюк Д.Д. Основные направления трансформации туризма в цифровой экономике // Сборник трудов Национальной (Всероссийской) научно-практической конференции с зарубежным участием «Цифровая экономика, умные инновации и технологии» (18-20 апреля, 2021 г.) / СПб.: ПОЛИТЕХ-ПРЕСС, 2021. – С. 409-411 (РИНЦ), (In Russ.);

4) Гребенюк Д.Д. COVID-19: кризисные явления в туризме // Сборник материалов региональной научно-практической конференции магистрантов и студентов «Букетовские чтения – 2021» (11-12 марта, 2021 г.) / Караганда: Изд-во НАО «Карагандинский университет имени академика Е.А. Букетова», 2021. – С. 208-210 (In Russ.);

5) D.G. Mamrayeva, L.V. Tashenova. Analysis of the tourism infrastructure of the cities of Central Kazakhstan // Bulletin of the Karaganda University. – Economy series. – 2021. – № 3(103). – P. 73-83,


AP09259780 Boundary value problems for pseudoparabolic equations and related singular Volterra integral equations

Relevance: Pseudoparabolic equations with various differential operators of the second and higher orders in spatial variables arise in mathematical models of epidemics, diffusion, heat transfer, and wave processes. Problems of this kind also arise in the theory of unsteady flow of a viscous gas, during convective diffusion of salts in a porous medium, propagation initial compaction in a viscous gas, moisture transfer in soils, propagation of pulsed ray waves, in various biological processes, in the theory of inverse problems. In particular, these problems include the problem of filtration of homogeneous fluids in rocks with highly developed fracturing. Currently, a number of studies of filtration in reservoirs have been performed, in the presence of a small number of differently located fractures. However, the approach based on a specific consideration of the fracture configuration in the reservoir is not applicable to highly fractured media. Indeed, on the one hand, this configuration is unknown to us, and on the other hand, it is confusing and complex, so that the mathematical difficulties in calculating filtration with such complex configurations of cracks, even if they were known, become insurmountable. However, it is the complexity and branching of fracture systems in rocks with highly developed fracturing that makes it appropriate for such rocks to consider another consideration, specific to continuum mechanics, using the pseudoparabolic equations. The refore, this topic is very relevant for solving many theoretical and practical problems.

Project objective: The aim of the project is to study boundary value problems for pseudoparabolic equations and related singular integral equations of Volterra type.

Achieved results:

Statement of a boundary value problem for a pseudoparabolic equation, construction of algorithms for finding a solution.

Conditions for the unique solvability of a boundary value problem for a pseudoparabolic equation.

Integral representations of the solution to boundary value problems. Reducing the boundary value problems to singular integral equations of the Volterra type.

Expected results:

Constructing the singular characteristic Volterra integral equations. Constructing the resolvent.

Researching the issues of solvability for characteristic integral equations.

Regularization of singular Volterra integral equation by a solution of the characteristic integral equation.

Determination of solution uniqueness classes. Proof of a theorem on the solvability of singular integral equations.

Statement of a boundary value problem for a pseudohyperbolic equation, algorithms for finding a solution.

Conditions for the solvability of a boundary value problem for a pseudohyperbolic equation.


Names and surnames of the members of the research group with their identifiers (Scopus Author ID, Researcher ID, ORCID)


Full name/ Degree/ academic degree, academic rank

Role in the project

Researcher ID


Author ID


Ramazanov Murat Ibraevich, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor

Chief research scientist, project manager






Jenaliyev Muvasharkhan Tanabaevich, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor

Chief research scientist






Orumbayeva Nurgul Tumarbekovna, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Leading research scientist






Kosmakova Minzilya Timerbaevna, PhD

Leading research scientist






Gulmanov Nurtai Kudaibergenovich, doctoral student (PhD), 2nd year

Junior Researcher





Asetov Alibek Asenovich. doctoral student (PhD), 2nd year

Junior Researcher




Tokmagambetova Tengesh,

doctoral student (PhD), 2nd year

Junior Researcher






List of publications:

1 Ramazanov, M.I., Gulmanov N.K. Решение двумерной граничной задачи теплопроводности в вырождающейся области // Вестник КазНУ. Серия математика, механика, информатика. - 2021. - Vol. 111, No. 3. P. 65-78.

2 Кельдибекова А.Б., Орумбаева Н.Т. Об одном решении нелинейной краевой задачи для псевдопараболических уравнений // Проблемы современной фундаментальной и прикладной математики: Тезисы докладов Международной научно-практической конференции. - Нур-Султан, 2021. - С. 120-125.

3 Гульманов Н.К., Искаков С.А., Рамазанов М.И. Решение особого уравнения Вольтерра краевой задачи теплопроводности в вырождающейся области // Проблемы современной фундаментальной и прикладной математики: Тезисы докладов Международной научно-практической конференции. - Нур-Султан, 2021. - С. 101-103.

4 Дженалиев М.Т., Рамазанов М.И., Космакова М.Т., Тулетаева Ж.М. Разрешимость граничной задачи теплопроводности в вырождающейся области в соболевских пространствах // Проблемы современной фундаментальной и прикладной математики: Тезисы докладов Международной научно-практической конференции. - Нур-Султан, 2021. - С. 108-113.

5 Токмагамбетова Т.Д., Орумбаева Н.Т. О разрешимости линейной полупериодической краевой задачи для дифференциального псевдогиперболического уравнения третьего порядка // Проблемы современной фундаментальной и прикладной математики: Тезисы докладов Международной научно-практической конференции. - Нур-Султан, 2021. - С. 159-163.


AP09259065 «Development of a complex model for minimizing NEET-youth in Kazakhstan: convergence of productive employment, inclusive economy and digitalization of education»

1. AP09259065 «Development of a complex model for minimizing NEET-youth in Kazakhstan: convergence of productive employment, inclusive economy and digitalization of education»

2. Urgency. The most important factor of economic growth is the updated quality of human capital, the socio-economic "enrichment" of which consists of the growth of individual intellectual competencies, mastering information tools and skills of involvement in global processes. The opposite trend - the impoverishment of human capital-hinders the development of the labor market, increasing the share of low-skilled labor. Young people of the NEET category are strategically dangerous in this aspect. Since this segment is increasing today, it is necessary to develop a comprehensive model of its minimization based on the convergence of three components: productive employment - to form the motivation of NEET-youth to work; post-industrial education - to acquire professional skills in the information environment and the globalizing context of their use; inclusive development - as a constant of modern socialization of the economy.

3. The goal of the project is to develop a complex model for minimizing NEET-youth in Kazakhstan through methodological and applied analysis of its nature and the basic socio-economic causes with the justification of a systematic mechanism for its reduction based on the convergence of an inclusive economy, productive employment  and digitalization of education.

4. Expected results.

For 2021: Within the framework of the first task «Development of theoretical and methodological foundations of NEET-youth research»: the nature of NEET-youth, latent causes and systemic factors of its formation and development will be revealed; the categorical apparatus of the NEET-youth socio-economic space will be specified; the NEET-youth segment will be structured to identify the determinants of its contraction and growth; country modifications of NEET-youth and its structure will be systematized; general principles for minimizing the NEET-youth segment will be developed.  Within the framework of the second task «NEET-youth research in the Republic of Kazakhstan: causes, factors, structure»: the causes of NEET-youth in Kazakhstan will be classified; a socio-economic portrait of NEET-youth in Kazakhstan will be compiled (based on sociological research, analysis and generalization of statistical data); the effectiveness of the youth employment policy will be evaluated and strategic risks of NEET-youth development in Kazakhstan will be identified. Publication of 1 article in peer-reviewed foreign publications and 1 article in peer-reviewed domestic publications recommended by ССSES.

For 2022: Within the framework of the third task «Specification of the youth labor market: trends, dominant vector, potential of NEET-youth compression»: quantitative and qualitative parameters of the youth labor market will be identified; the factor specifics of the youth labor offer will be revealed; factor specifics of demand for youth labor will be revealed; modeling productive employment in the youth labor market and the compression potential of NEET-youth. Within the framework of the fourth task «Research of inclusive economy as a system regulator of social equalization and features of youth inclusion in its environment»: the socio-economic parameters of an inclusive economy, its nature, development factors, and specifics will be specified; the specifics of economic behavior of young people in a developed inclusive environment will be revealed; the external and internal effects of an inclusive economy will be graded in an authentic compression of NEET-youth. Publication of 1 article in peer-reviewed foreign publications and 1 article in peer-reviewed domestic publications recommended by ССSES.

For 2023: Within the framework of the fifth task «Formation of a new quality of human capital through digitalization of education as a system vector of minimizing NEET-youth»: the nature of postindustrial education will be specified with justification for optimizing the ratio of specialization and interdisciplinarity as its main dilemma; the transformation of intellectual capital in the structure of human capital as the core of the growth of progressive competencies of young people will be justified; the effectiveness of innovative forms of education and its digitalization in the mechanism of stimulating socio-economic activity of young people will be evaluated; the possibilities of reducing NEET-youth as a result of the universality of modern education and its digitalization will be justified. Within the framework of the sixth task «Development of a model for minimizing NEET-youth in the Republic of Kazakhstan»: tools for stimulating productive employment in the youth labor market will be justified as the dominant macroeconomic factor of the NEET-youth compression mechanism in Kazakhstan; tools for enhancing the development of elements of an inclusive economy and digital education infrastructure as institutional factors of the mechanism for minimizing NEET-youth in Kazakhstan will be justified; a three-level model for minimizing NEET-youth will be developed based on the effects of productive employment, post-industrial education, and an inclusive economy; a roadmap for minimizing NEET-youth in Kazakhstan, its parameters, tools, and implementation will be formed. Publication of 1 article in peer-reviewed domestic publications recommended by ССSES, 1 article in a scientific publication with a CiteScore percentile in the Scopus database of at least 35, the monograph.

Achieved results in 2021. The theoretical and methodological basis of NEET-youth research has been developed: the nature of NEET-youth, latent causes and systemic factors of its formation and development have been identified; the categorical apparatus of the socio-economic space of NEET-youth has been concretized; the NEET-youth segment has been structured with the identification of determinants of its compression and growth; country modifications of NEET-youth and its structure have been systematized; general principles of minimizing the NEET-youth segment have been developed. The reasons for the formation of NEET youth in Kazakhstan, its structure, element-by-element panorama and development factors are identified: the causes of the emergence of NEET youth in Kazakhstan are classified; a socio-economic portrait of NEET youth in Kazakhstan is compiled; the effectiveness of youth employment policy is evaluated and strategic risks of the development of NEET youth in Kazakhstan are identified. Published 1 article in a peer-reviewed foreign publication and 1 article in a peer-reviewed domestic publication recommended by ССSES. Additionally, members of the research group on the project published 3 articles, including 1 article in a domestic journal included in the ССSES list, 1 article in a journal included in the Scopus and Web of Science databases. The results of the study were introduced into the activities of six authorized state bodies implementing youth policy in the field of employment in the Karaganda region, Turkestan region, Shymkent, Almaty, Nur-Sultan.

5. Names and surnames of the members of the research group with their identifiers:

1) Khussainova Zhibek Seitovna, candidate of economic sciences, professor (NPLC «Karagandy university of the name of academician E.A.Buketov») - Head of project, MR (Scopus Author ID: 55816012800; Researcher ID: ABA-4733-2020; ORCID: 0000-0002-2617-838X);

2) Adilova Zhanna Gumarovna, candidate of economic sciences, associated professor (NPLC «Karagandy university of the name of academician E.A.Buketov») - Project executor, LR (ОRCID: 0000-0002-4952-3430);

3) Abauova Gulzhan Meiramovna, candidate of economic sciences, associated professor (Kazakh University of Economics, Finance and International Trade) - Project executor, LR (Scopus Author ID: 57204243891; ОRCID: 0000-0002-3411-7659);

4) Bektleyeva Dina Yerbolatovna, candidate of economic sciences («Rational Solution» LLP) - Project executor, LR (Scopus Author ID: 57215348647; ОRCID: 0000-0003-2829-279X);

5) Raikhanova Gulnur Amangeldiyevna, candidate of economic sciences (NPLC «Karagandy university of the name of academician E.A.Buketov») - Project executor, SR (Scopus Author ID: 57197807219; ОRCID: 0000-0001-5355-4590);

6) Zhartay Zhanibek Maratuly,, PhD (NPLC «Karagandy university of the name of academician E.A.Buketov») - Project executor, SR (Scopus Author ID: 57190138159;  Researcher ID: AAF-2934-2020; ОRCID: 0000-0002-4676-4140);

7) Gazizova Maiya Rivelevna, doctorate student (NPLC «Karagandy university of the name of academician E.A.Buketov» - Project executor, R.

6. List of publications:

1) Khusainova Zh.S., Zhartay Zh.M., Abauova G.M., Lambekova A.N., Syzdykova D.I. The nature of the NEET youth segment, its features and parameters in both domestic and global conditions // Вестник Карагандинского университета. Серия Экономика. - 2021. - № 3 (103). - С. 40-53. - - DOI 10.31489/2021Ec3/40-53. (КОКСОН).

2) Khusainova Zh.S., Adilova Zh.G., Bektleeva D.E., Abauova G.M., Gazizova M.R. Theoretical and methodological foundations of NEET-youth research in the context of bibliometric analysis // Economics and entrepreneurship. - - 2021. - No. 7. - pp. 1349-1355. - - DOI: 10.34925/AP.2021.132.7.246. (RSCI, the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation). [in Russian]

3) Kalabina E.G., Gazizova M.R., Khusainova Zh.S. Structural dynamics of employment of the older population of the member countries of the Eurasian Economic Union // The economy of the region. - 2021. - Vol. 17, issue 3. - pp. 842-854. - . - (Scopus, Web of Science). [in Russian]

4) Gazizova M.R., Khussainova Zh.S., Vechkinzova Y.A. The impact of the working longevity of the “silver generation” on the Kazakhstani labor market // Вестник Карагандинского университета. Серия Экономика. - 2021. - № 1 (101). - С. 48-56. - - DOI 10.31489/2021Ec1/48-56. (КОКСОН).

5) Tattymbetova K. T., Raikhanova G. A., Kozhabatchina G. M. problems of youth employment in the labor market of Kazakhstan// "modern science: digital transformation": collection of materials of the Republic X Margulanovsky readings. - Zhezkazgan: JSC "Zhezu", 2021. - pp. 329-332. [in Kazakh].


AP09260118, Facilitators in professional development of blended learning teachers: effectiveness assessment, methodology, vectors of competence development
  1. IRN, Project title: AP09260118, Facilitators in professional development of blended learning teachers: effectiveness assessment, methodology, vectors of competence development
  2. Relevance: The definition and clarification of the methodological role, as well as the tasks and technologies of the facilitator's work based on the analysis of scientific and methodological literature, individual, organizational factors are important for improving the ways of practical application and methodological support of MOOCs in the educational process, as well as for improving the effectiveness of their assimilation. Today, the role of a facilitator is becoming one of the most popular in working with students of mass open online courses, as well as if an English teacher himself facilitates the process of teaching students online.
  3. Aim: Retrospective and prospective analysis and subsequent development of strategies to create conditions for improving the professional competencies of teachers in the direction of ‘English’ in accordance with the cognitive-competence approach of teaching based on the resources of mass open online courses and with the assistance of a facilitator.
  4. Expected and achieved results: During the reporting period, a sequence of work was established to develop a methodology for the advanced training course for teachers of English as a foreign language based on MOOC resources and with the assistance of a facilitator, which describes the integration of web platforms / traditional forms in order to improve the quality of assimilation of mass open online courses; methodological organization of MOOC support and defines the methodological role of the facilitator for their successful assimilation. A list of Web 2.0 platforms and tools has been compiled with a description of their functionality in accordance with the cognitive competence approach in the field of teaching English as a foreign language in order to increase the effectiveness of MOOCs. The list of Web 2.0 platforms and tools will be further supplemented and expanded in accordance with the needs and interests of teachers in the field of ‘English’ in the framework of blended learning.

The results of the study are applied and implemented in the educational process of the Faculty of Foreign Languages of the Ye.A. Buketov Karaganda University in the form of ‘Methodological recommendations for the development and maintenance of online courses’, ‘Atlas of Web 2.0 tools for facilitators to improve the skills of teachers of blended education in the field of ‘English’.

  1. Names and surnames of the members of the research group with their identifiers (Scopus Author ID, Researcher ID, ORCID,  if available with links to the relevant profiles.


Scopus Author ID

Researcher ID


links to the relevant profiles

Shelestova Tatyana Yurevna





Kalizhanova Anna Nikolayevna







Tatyana Adygamovna




Maryshkina Tayssiya





Nabiyeva Aizhan Bolatovna





Mukazhan Aigerim Kurmetovna





Zhusupova Roza Flyurovna








  1. List of publications (with links to them) and patents.

a) Шелестова Т.Ю., Марышкина Т.В., Аупенова А.У., Калижанова А.Н. Развивающий потенциал инструментов Web 2.0 для педагогов смешанного обучения в иноязычном образовании: миф или реальность. Вестник Карагандинского университета. - Серия Педагогика. – 2021. - № 3(103). – С.163-175. DOI 10.31489/2021Ped3/163-175.

b) Zhussupova R.F., Kalizhanova A.N. Timeline as a Means of Digital Representation of Theoretical Material. Вестник Евразийского национального университета имени Л.Н. Гумилева. – 2021. - № 3(136). – С.133-147.  DOI: 10.32523 / 2616-7174-2021-136-3-133-147


c) Shelestova T.Yu., Kalizhanova A., Romanyuk S., Zhuman A. The advantages of using TED talks materials in ESL classrooms. Journal for Educators, Teachers and Trainers. – 2021. - Vol. 12(2). – P. 81 – 87.  DOI: 10.47750/jett.2021.12.02.011