head of the department
PhD, Accociate Professor

Tel.: +7 7212 356251
28 Universitetskaya str., building №1, office 448

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Dates and facts

The Department "Economics and International Business" was founded in 1993 on the basis of the departments "Economic Geography and Industrial Economies "(from 1978 to 1989), "Economics and Planning of Industries and territories" (from 1989 to 1993). In 2011, it was merged with the Department "Economic Theory».

The department trains 360 people, including holders of state grants, the Altyn Belgi symbol, representatives of other regions of Kazakhstan, citizens of Uzbekistan, Russia, Germany, and Azerbaijan.

Employment opportunities:
The employment rate of graduates of the department is 95%.

Dual Degree Programs:
7M04107402-Economic Security: Master's degree in cooperation with the National Research Nuclear University "Moscow Engineering Physics Institute”.

The department employs doctors, candidates, masters of Science, practitioners with long experience, holders of the title "Best teacher of the university": Professor Nabiev E.N. (2009), Professor Khussainova Zh.S. (2012), senior lecturer Zhartay Zh.M. (2017). Many teachers speak English.

Dissertation Council:
The department has a dissertation council for the defense of dissertations for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy PhD in the program 8D04107001-Economics.

- Development of a foresight model for the development and activation of youth entrepreneurship in the mechanism of industrial and innovative growth of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (customer-MES RK; 2015-2017; head-PhD, Professor, Professor of the Department of Economics and International Business Khussainova Zh.S.);
- Republican project "Social entrepreneurship in modern economic systems: concept, typology, mechanisms of development in Kazakhstan" (customer-MES RK; 2018-2020; head-Doctor of Economics, Professor, Professor of the Department of Economics and International Business Pritvorova T.P.);
- Republican project "Innovative susceptibility of national economies of the EAEU countries: system characteristics, assessment, management mechanisms" (customer-MES RK; 2018-2020; head-PhD, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Economics and International Business Zhailauov E.B.);
- Republican project "System of support for households with disabled children: conceptual foundations, effective practices, mechanisms of development in Kazakhstan" (customer-MES RK; 2020-2022; head-Doctor of Economics, Professor, Professor of the Department of Economics and International Business Pritvorova T.P.);
- Republican project "Industrial and innovative policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan: genesis, evolution, current state, vectors of improvement" (customer-MES RK; 2020-2022; head-PhD, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Economics and International Business Zhailauov E.B.);
- Republican project "Strategy of technological development of MMC of Kazakhstan: PPP as a driver of investment growth and foresight positioning in the context of industry 4.0" (customer-MES RK; 2020-2022; head-PhD, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Economics and International Business Zhailauov E.B.);
- "Development of a comprehensive model for minimizing NEET-youth in Kazakhstan: convergence of productive employment, inclusive economy and digitalization of education" (customer-MES RK; 2021-2023; head-PhD, Professor, Professor of the Department of Economics and International Business Khussainova Zh. S.);
- Republican project "Interregional economic cooperation in the Republic of Kazakhstan: conceptual foundations, assessment, mechanisms of intensification" (customer-MES RK; 2021-2023; head-PhD, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Economics and International Business Zhailauov E.B.);
- Republican project "Strategy of management of innovative development of the public sector of the Republic of Kazakhstan: methodology, effectiveness, mechanisms" (customer-MES RK; 2021-2023; head-PhD, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Economics and
- International Business Zhailauov E.B.). Erasmus+ International Project No. 602681-EPP-1-2018-1-LT-EPPKA2-CBY-ACPALA "Social Entrepreneurship Heroes (SEH)" (Participating countries: Lithuania, Kazakhstan, Argentina, Uganda, India). Performers-Khussainova Zh. S., Zhartay Zh. M.;
- International project "Countering the legalization of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism in Organizations engaged in transactions with money or other AML/CFT property" (within the framework of the International Network University in the Field of AML/CFT). Performers-Khussainova Zh.S., Lisova N.A., Komekbayeva L.S., Zhartai Zh.M.
- The project "ODAK-Enbekshikazakh Alliance for Sustainable Economic and Human Development", funded by the European Union together with the Agency of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Agriculture and Crafts of Milan (Italy), etc. Performers-Khussainova Zh.S., Zhartay Zh.M.
- EU International project "AGROCOMP-Competitiveness of the value chain of agribusiness and Food Industry SMEs through sustainable development and eco-innovation in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan" (Formaper and Innovhab ESI Agency of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Milan-Monza-Brianza-Lodi, Italy). Performer-Candidate of Economics, Professor Khussainova Zh.S.

Academic mobility:
Students of USUE (Yekaterinburg, Russia) are trained at the department.
The department was visited by foreign professors with guest lectures:
- PhD, Professor A.Agapova with the course «Corporate finance and Basics of investing» (Florida Atlantic University, USA)
- Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor E.Vechkinzova with the course "Project Management" (V.A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences s of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia)
- PhD, Professor S.Nefasa with a course«Organization activity planning: organizational, economic and financial aspects» (Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania)
- PhD, professor R.Seleznova with the course «IT project management» (Wyzsza Szkola Humanitas, Poland)
- PhD, professor A.Tolymbek with the course «Management of the organizations development in the real and financial sectors of economy» (Delta International University, USA)

Accreditation and leadership:
All programs of the department have national accreditation and occupy worthy positions in national ratings:
In the rating of IQAA 2020, the 1st place was taken by the programs 5B051900 - Organization and rationing of labor, 6B04105 - Business analytics and business consulting, 6B04104 - Entrepreneurship and project management; the 2nd place was taken by the programs 5B050600/6B04103 - Economics, 5B051300/6B04112 - World Economy, 7M04107001 - Economics, 7M04107002 -World Economy, 7M04107202 - Business administration; the 3rd place took the program 7M04107203 - Project Management.
The programs 6B04104 - Entrepreneurship and Project Management, 6B04105 - Business analytics and business consulting, 5B051900 - Organization and labor rationing took the 3rd place in the Rating of IAAR universities in 2020.
In the Atameken 2020 ranking, the 5B050600/6B04103 — Economics program ranked 16th among 73 universities.