head of department
сandidate of Pedagogical Sciences
Associate Professor
Tel.: +7 72 12 35 14 20
E-mail: gulken69@mail.ru
7 Karbyshev str., building №11
The Department of Fine Arts and Design trains bachelors in the field of graphic arts and vocational training, in the field of fine arts and design, as well as undergraduates for the system of technical and professional, higher education.
Students of the department have the opportunity to study in the field of design along three trajectories: "Graphic Design", "Architectural design", "Fashion and Design". The working curriculum includes relevant disciplines that meet modern requirements for the development of society.
In the field of education, the training of students is focused on the implementation of pedagogical activities in art schools (art schools) in the systems of secondary general, technical and vocational education.
The training of masters of pedagogical sciences (scientific and pedagogical direction) is aimed at the formation of personal and professional competencies for the implementation of pedagogical, educational, industrial, organizational and methodological activities in the systems of secondary general, technical and professional, higher education, as well as on the basis of the principles of scientific ability to be adaptive to the rapidly changing needs of education, production and society.