The Biotechnology and Eco-Monitoring Research Park was opened by order of the rector of Karaganda University No. 374 of 04.04.2012 in order to improve the efficiency and quality of organizing research activities in priority areas of biology.

The center is located on the basis of the Biology and Geography Faculty, includes 8 laboratories and research groups.

Head: Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor H-indexScopus - 4, H-indexWebofScience - 4, ScopusAuthorID: 6508189230, ResearcherIDWebofScience: X-2047-2019, ORCIDID: 0000-0002-1735-8290, LinkedIn,

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Reserach Gate

Contacts:+7 7212 35-61-52,; Universitetskata str., building №3, Biology and Geography Faculty, Karaganda.

Scientific directions:

1. Analysis of the content of genetically modified objects in the raw materials of food and agricultural enterprises, food products.
2. Genodiagnostics of cancer, hereditary and infectious diseases.
3. Development of a method to prevent diabetes in elderly people or to mitigate its manifestations.
4. Microclonal reproduction of plants (rare, endangered, food and medicinal).
5. Anatomical, morphological and histochemical analysis of medicinal plant raw materials.
6. Assessment of the physical factors and nanoparticles of heavy metals influence on the morphophysiological parameters of plants and invertebrates.
7. Introduction of medicinal and ornamental plants in the conditions of the Karaganda region.
8. Flora and plant resources of vascular plants of Central Kazakhstan.
9. Development of plant and animal material cryopreservation methods.
10. Assessment of the unfavorable environmental factors influence on human health and health improvement recommendations development.
11. Assessment of the biological activity of natural compounds.
12. Training of specialists in the field of scientific activity - bachelors, masters, doctors PhD.

Scientific laboratories and research groups:

-plant biotechnology laboratory,
-molecular biology laboratory,
-diabetes laboratory,
-physiology laboratory,
-eco-monitoring laboratory,
-cryobiology group,
-anatomy and pharmacognosy group,
-microbiology laboratory.

Scientific connections:

1 Altai State University (Barnaul, Russian Federation).
2 All-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources (St. Petersburg, Russian Federation).
3 Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (Beersheba, Israel).
4 Mangyshlak Experimental Botanical Garden (Aktau, Kazakhstan).
5 Tyumen State Medical University (Tyumen, Russian Federation).
6 Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russian Federation).
7 Institute for Problems of Cryobiology and Cryomedicine (Kharkov, Ukraine).
8 Institute of Plant Biology and Biotechnology (Almaty, Kazakhstan).
9 Altai Botanical Garden (Ridder, Kazakhstan).
10 Central Siberian Botanical Garden (Novosibirsk, Russian Federation).

Research center staff


Full name, position

Academic degree, title


Web of Science (Researcher ID)

Scopus Author ID

Research Gate

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Ishmuratova M.Yu., head of the research park

Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor








Konkabayeva A.E., Chief Research Officer

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor








Li K.G., Senior Research Officer

Candidate of Biological Sciences








Smagulov M.K., Senior Research Officer

Candidate of Biological Sciences








Seidakhmetova R.B., Senior Research Officer

Candidate of Biological Sciences








Ageyev D.V., Research Officer

Master of Biology







Projects being implemented:

1 Grant of the SC MES RK "Study of the current state of endemic plants populations in Northern and Central Kazakhstan and preserving genetic material methods development", 2015-2017. Supervisor: Candidate of Biological Sciences Tleukenova S.U.
2 Grant of the SC MES RK "Assessment of the heavy metals accumulation in soil, water, plants and animals of Central Kazakhstan and the toxicity identification of plant food pollutants under short-term and long-term exposure to experimental animals", 2015. Supervisor: Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Konkabayeva A.E.
3 Internal grant of Karaganda Buketov University No. 218- Б -19 "Plant and animal biological material cryopreservation for a viability preservation algorithm development and a bank of frozen samples creating", 2019-2020. Supervisor: Candidate of Biological Sciences Ishmuratova M.Yu.
4 Grant of the SC MES RK "Wild and medicinal plants seed material cryopreservation and a short-term and long-term storage bank organization", 2021-2023. Supervisor: Candidate of Biological Sciences Ishmuratova M.Yu.

Major publications over the past 5 years:

1 Turuspekov Y., Genievskaya Y., Baibulatova A., Zatybekov A., Kotuhov Y., Ishmuratova M., Imanbayeva A., Abugalieva S. Phylogenetic Taxonomy of Artemisia L. Species from Kazakhstan Based on Matk-Analyses // Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, Section B: Natural, Exact, and Applied Sciences, 2018, Vol. 72, № 1 (712), P. 29–37.
2 Akhmetalimova A. M., Ivasenko S. A., Marchenko A. B., Ishmuratova M. Yu., Poleszak E., Ludwiczuk A., Loseva I. V. The study of the chemical composition of Тhymus eremita Кlok. and Тhymus rasitatus Кlok. from the Karaganda Region // News Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The Republic Of Kazakhstan-Series Chemistry And Technology, 2018, Vol. 5, P. 20-25.
3 Meyramov G., Dupont O.-N., Kartbayeva G. Prevention of destruction of b-cells of isolated pancreatic islets caused by 5-nitro-8-oxyquinoline // Transplant International, 2017, Vol. 30, P. 541-541.
4 Ishmuratova M.Yu., Tleukenova S.U., Gavrilkova E.A., Dodonova A.Sh. Vascular Plant Identifier of Central Kazakhstan. - Karaganda: Polygraphist, 2016, 302 p.
5 Konkabayeva A.E., Ishmuratova M.Yu. Assessment of the heavy metals accumulation in soil, water and plants of industrial regions of the Karaganda region. - Karaganda: Publishing house Polygraphist LLP, 2016. - 112 p.
6 Ishmuratova M.Yu., Tleukenova S.U., Dodonova A.Sh., Gavrilkova E.A. Endemic plant species of the flora of the Karaganda region (Central Kazakhstan). - Karaganda: Publishing house Polygraphist LLP, 2016, 109 p.
7 Minakov A.I., Ismailova F.M., Sagaliyev I.A., Ishmuratova M.Yu., Turlybekova G.K. Flora and fauna of the "Buyratau" State National Natural Park. - Karaganda, 2019, 152 p.
8 Ishmuratova M.Yu. Essential oil plants of the Karaganda region. Monograph. - Karaganda: “Arko” Ltd, 2020, 107 p.
9 Zhumina A.G., Li K., Konovalova A.A., Li Ye.A., Ishmuratova M.Yu., Pogossyan G.P., Danilenko M. Plasma 25-hydrozyvitamin D levels and VDR gene expression in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of leukemia patients and healthy subjects in Central Kazakhstan // Nutrients, 2020, Vol. 12, Issue 1229 .
10 Ivasenko S.A., Orazbayeva P., Skalicka-Wozniak K., Ludwiczuk A., Ishmuratova M.Yu., Poleszak E., Korona-Glowniak I., Akhmetova S.B., Karilkhan I., Loseva I. Antimicrobial Activity of Ultrasonic Extracts of Two Chemotypes of Thymus serpyllum L. of Central Kazakhstan and their Polyphenolic Profiles // Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, 2021, Vol. 9(1), P. 61-67.
11 Adyova A., Auyezova A.M., Attar R., Ishmuratova M.Yu., Farooqi A.A. Regulation of TGFβ/SMAD signaling by long non-coding RNAs in different cancers: Dark Knight in the Castle of molecular oncology // Non-coding RNA Research, 2021, Vol. 6, P. 23-28.
12 Tleubayeva M.I., Datkhayev U.M., Alimzhanova M., Ishmuratova M.Yu., Korotetskaya N.V., Abdullabekova R.M., Flisyuk E.V., Gemejiyeva N.G. Component composition and antimicrobial activity of CO2 extract of Portulaca oleracea, growing in the territory of Kazakhstan // The scientific world journal, Vol. 2021, Article ID 5434525, 10 p.
13 Farooqi A.A., Auyezova A.M., Seher Yilmaz, Karasholakova L., Ishmuratova M.Yu. Mechanistic role of DANCR in the choreography of signaling pathways in different cancers: Spotlight on regulation of Wnt/β-catenin and JAK/STAT pathways by oncogenic long non-coding RNA // Non-coding RNA Research, 2021, Vol. 6, Issue 1, P. 29-34.
14 Ishmuratova M.Yu., Tleukenova S.U., Atikeyeva S.N., Auelbekova A.K., Zhuzbayeva G.O., Zhumagaliyeva Zh.Zh. Cryopreservation of Calendula officinalis seeds // EurAsian Journal of BioSciences, 2020, Vol. 14, Iss. 1, P. 501-505.

Participation in international forums and conferences:

1 International scientific-practical conference "Methodology, theory and practice of modern biology" (Kostanay, Kazakhstan, 2018, 2019, 2020).
2 XII International Botanical Conference of Young Scientists in St. Petersburg (2018).
3 International scientific conference PLAMIC 2018 "Plants and Microorganisms: Biotechnology of the Future" (Ufa, Russia, 2018).
4 International conference on Higher Education Advances "HEAD-2018" (Valencia, Spain, 2018).
5 International scientific and practical conference "Science, education and production in the conditions of the fourth industrial revolution" (Karaganda, Kazakhstan, 2018).
6 1st International Earthworms Congress (Shanghai, China, 2018).
7 International scientific and practical conference "Fundamental Problems of Optics" (St. Petersburg, Russia, 2018).
8 International conference on the Physics of Optical Materials and Devices, (Igalo, Montenegro, 2018).
9 International scientific conference "Perspectives of Medicinal Plants" (Moscow, Russia, 2018).
10 International scientific and practical conference "Medicinal plant growing: from past experience to modern technologies" (Poltava, Ukraine, 2018, 2019, 2020).
11 International scientific and practical conference "Formation and development prospects of the scientific school of pharmacy: continuity of generations" (Almaty, Kazakhstan, 2019).
12 All-Russian Scientific Conference with international participation “Heritage of Academician N.V. Tsitsin. Current state and development prospects” (Moscow, Russia, 2019).
13 VI All-Russian conference with international participation EcoBioTech-2019 (Ufa, Russia, 2019).
14 International scientific conference "From Plants to Medicines" (Moscow, Russia, 2020).
15 All-Russian Conference "Plant diversity: state, trends, conservation concept" (Novosibirsk, Russia, 2020).
16 International scientific conference "Problems of Botany of Southern Siberia and Mongolia" (Barnaul, Russia, 2020).
17 International Conference "Modern Science Management and standarts of scientific research" (Prague, Czech Republic, 2020).
18 International scientific conference "Topical issues of organic chemistry and biotechnology" (Yekaterinburg, Russia, 2020).

Scientific and technological equipment:

The laboratories are equipped with research equipment, laboratory furniture: box for PCR analysis, БАВ-ПЦР «Ламинар-С», laminar box БАВп-01 «Ламинар-С» - 1.5 (2 pcs.), Climatic testing chamber series KBF 115 BINDER, shaker-incubator Biosan ES-20/60, steam sterilizer (autoclave) ВК -75-01, binocular microscope MC 50 (2 pcs.), Centrifuge CM-6M, single-channel dispenser of variable volume (4 pcs.), electric bidistiller, analytical moisture meter Ohaus PA 114, electric water distiller АЭ -10 MO, ultraviolet bactericidal irradiator-recirculator ОРУБ -01 " Дезар-5" (2 pcs.), electric dry-air thermostat ТС-1/80, voltammetric СТА complex , sample preparation complex "Temos-express", muffle furnace СНОЛ 8.2/1100, scales ЛВ -210, microprocessor portable spirograph СМП-21/01-«Р-Д», device for measuring blood pressure on the wrist, Minispin centrifuge , spirometer (1 pc.); device "Varicard", device for satellite positioning GPS E-Trex Vista (1 pc), laboratory computerized video complex based on the projection trinocular microscope "BinaLogic"; tellurium (1 unit), levels (3 units), digital planimeter (1 unit), mining and geological compass DQL-4 (1 unit), manual laser rangefinder DISTOA3 (1 unit), stereoscopes (4 units), aneroid barometer (1 unit), heliograph (1 unit), optical microscope "Carl Zeiss", laboratory computerized video complex based on the projection trinocular microscope of the company "BinaLogic", binocular microscope MC 50, binocular microscope MC 100 XP, thermostat electric dry-air ТС-1/80, vertical autoclave, analytical scales Shimazu, microbiological complex (1 unit), Dewar vessels (3 units), biotechnological fermenter Bailum Bio (1 unit), liquid analyzer (spectrofluorimeter) Chemiluminometer Lum-1200 (1 unit), ATAGO refractometer (3 units), pH meter (3 units).