head of the department
сandidate of Biological Sciences
assistant professor
Tel.: +7 7212 35 63 72
E-mail: fizio210@mail.ru
Universitetskaya street, 28, building № 3
Educational programs
7M05208701-Ecology: magistracy. The program is related to the study of scientific research in the field of ecology, nature protection and environmental management. In the course of training, the master's student will learn how to analyze, classify objects and design results, perform scientific research, implement the results of scientific research in production, conduct environmental expertise, environmental audit. Undergraduates have the opportunity to study some subjects in English. Graduates will receive a master's degree in natural sciences and will be able to work as ecologists and leading specialists in state, local, regional, foreign institutions and enterprises, as an environmental expert in projects carried out on a tender basis and various environmental funds, as university teachers, as leading specialists in organizations engaged in environmental insurance, audit and licensing of existing enterprises.
7M05108201-Biotechnology: magistracy. The program is related to the study of biological objects of microbial, plant, and animal origin. In the course of training, a master student will learn how to conduct research in the field of biotechnology, to provide conditions for the implementation of biotechnological processes with the help of microorganisms, plants and animals, to design and carry out complex research in biotechnology. Undergraduates have the opportunity to study some subjects in English. Graduates will receive a master's degree in natural sciences and will be able to work as researchers in research institutes and universities of biotechnological, biological, medical, agricultural profile, university teachers, leading specialists in biotechnological centers and laboratories.
8D05101-Biology: doctoral. The program is related to the study of modern problems of biology, the key areas of biological science. In the course of training, the doctoral student will learn to formulate the principles of solving biological problems based on the use of complex biological information in conducting scientific research, to carry out research and teaching activities in accordance with modern requirements in the field of natural sciences. Doctoral students have the opportunity to study some subjects in English. Graduates will receive the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and will be able to work as researchers in research institutes and design industry institutes, chief and leading specialists in state, local, regional, foreign institutions and enterprises, university teachers, leading specialists in organizations engaged in research in the field of medical microbiology, virology, plant physiology and developmental biology, human and animal physiology, zoology.