сandidate of Geographical Sciences
аssociate Professor
Tel.: +7 72 12 35 61 52
28/3 Universitetskaya str., building №3
The Faculty of Biology and Geography is one of the oldest ones at the Karaganda Buketov University. It was established in 1972 on the basis of the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the Pedagogical Institute, the history of which began in 1952.
Today, the Faculty unites specialists in various fields of biology, geography, ecology, biotechnology, agricultural and medical sciences.
The mission of the Faculty is to provide high-quality education in the field of biological, geographical and environmental sciences based on the application of innovative technologies, while preserving the values of classical education and to prepare a new generation of specialists who are able to take responsibility for the future of the region.
The Faculty employs 60 teachers, including doctors and candidates of science, holders of the republican title "The Best University Teacher", state scholarships for talented young scientists of the Ministry of Education and Science, etc.
More than 900 students, master and doctoral students study at the departments of the faculty, and about 200 specialists graduate annually from the Faculty. The Faculty has five research laboratories united in the Research Park of Biotechnology and ecomonitoring. Classes are held in specialized laboratories and classrooms, computer classes connected to the Internet, lecture halls with interactive multimedia equipment. The Faculty has a training and field base in the Karkarala State National Natural Park, a Nature Museum, and a diverse herbarium fund.