head of the department
сandidate of Biological Sciences
assistant professor
Tel.: +7 7212 35 63 72
E-mail: fizio210@mail.ru
Universitetskaya street, 28, building № 3
The Department of Physiology trains specialists in the following specialties: 7M05208701-Ecology, 7M05108201-Biotechnology, 8D05108001-Biology.
The training program includes such relevant disciplines as «Research methods in ecology», «Rational use of natural resources», «Innovation in Ecology, biotechnology», «Biomedicine and nanotechnology», «Commercialization of scientific and technological activities», «Biotechnological methods of environmental protection», «Bioethics and biological safety», «Problems of modern biology», «Molecular genetics».
Graduates of the department can work in secondary educational institutions, higher educational institutions, research laboratories, environmental protection organizations, etc.
The scientific interests of the department are related to the current problems of ecology, physiology, biotechnological research methods, and environmental protection.