head of the department
сandidate of Economic Sciences
аssociate Professor
Tel.: +7 7212 356398
E-mail: financy_f@mail.ru
28 Universitetskaya str., building №1, office 441
The department trains specialists for state financial bodies of the republican and regional levels; the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan; the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan; the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan and second-tier banks; investment funds, insurance and pension funds; economic entities of various organizational and legal forms.
Students of the department have the opportunity to study in two directions: "Financial and Banking Management" and "Public Finance". The course program includes such relevant subjects as "Financial Management"," Financial Markets and Intermediaries", "Financial Risk Management", "Credit Risk Management", "Islamic Finance", "State Budget", "Public Finance Management". Students will gain specialized knowledge in the financial and banking sector, insurance, tax administration, economics, and digital literacy.
Graduates of the department will be able to work as chief and leading specialists in finance, financial director, commercial manager, financial analysts, auditors or auditors.
The scientific interests of the teachers are based on the unified scientific direction of the department: "Priorities of the financial and credit sector of the economy in achieving the Strategic Development Goals of the Republic of Kazakhstan".