head of the department
сandidate of Economic Sciences
аssociate Professor

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Training of students in the educational program "Finance" has been carried out since the establishment of KSU in 1972. On September 30, 1974, the Department "Finance and Credit" was opened, the founder, the first head of which was the Candidate of Economics, associate Professor Ormanbayev Altay Zhumabayevich. Associate Professor Ormanbayev A. Zh. until 1972, he worked as the head of the Department of "Sectoral Economies" of the Faculty of Philosophy and Economics of KazSU and in 1972, in connection with the opening of the second Karaganda State University in the republic, he was sent by the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Kazakh SSR to support the rector of KSU E.A. Buketov. In 1963, he defended his thesis for the degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences at the Lomonosov Moscow State University.
During the years of the department's existence, the heads were Doctor of Economics, Professor Ormanbayev A.Zh., Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor Kazhikarimov B.K., Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor Omirbayev S. M., Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor Tatieva G.A., Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor Daribekova A.S., Candidate of Economics, Professor Komekbayeva L.S., since September 2018, the head of the department is Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor Akbayev E.T. At various times, the deans of the Faculty of Economics of KSU were representatives of the Department of Finance: Doctor of Economics, Professor Ormanbayev A.Zh., Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor Kazhikarimov B.K., Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor Omirbayev S.M., Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of Finance Yessengeldin B.S.
Currently, the dean of the faculty is Khussainova Zh.S. – also a graduate of the specialty of "Finance".
Training of specialists in the specialty 050509-Finance in the Kazakh language has been carried out since 2004. Bachelor's degree programs in the specialty 5B050900 – Finance have been conducted since 2010 in Kazakh and Russian in full-time education on the basis of general and secondary vocational education and in part-time education on the basis of secondary vocational education and higher education.
The set for training in the master's program in the educational program "Finance" is made since 1996. Terms of study: in the scientific and pedagogical direction-2 years, in the profile direction-1 year. Graduates of the specialty 6M050900/7M4107401-Finance (in the scientific and pedagogical direction) receive an academic degree of Master of Economic Sciences in the specialty 6M050900/7M4107401.01-Finance; in the profile direction – an academic degree of Master of Economics and Business in the specialty 6M050900-Finance.

Currently, the department employs 13 full-time teachers with the academic degrees of Doctor, Candidate and Master of Science.

Academic mobility and internships:
- September 24-26, 2018-Ph.D. in Economics, Professor Komekbayeva L.S. and Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor Lisova N.A. visited the International Network Institute for Combating Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing (Russia) as part of the scientific internship.
- Teachers Zhanseitov A.T., Topshakhova G.R. were trained in the international educational platform Coursera.
- According to the state program "Bolashak" from the Department of "Finance", Zhanseitov A.T. studied at the master's program of the University of Manchester (Great Britain) and in 2017 successfully completed it. Today he works at the Department of "Finance".
- Currently, within the framework of the agreement between the Government of the Republic of Poland and the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a doctoral student of the department Akanayeva T.A. is studying at the University of Economics in Katowice.

The number of applicants admitted to study at the department was 228 students, including citizens of other countries: Russia, Uzbekistan, and Azerbaijan.

Employment opportunities:
The employment rate of graduates of the bachelor's degree is 86%, the master's degree is 100%.

Dual Degree Program:
Program 7M04107401 - "Finance" (Karaganda Buketov University - "Economic Security" (MEPhI, Moscow).

Accreditation and leadership:
All programs of the department have national accreditation and occupy worthy positions in national ratings: in the "Atameken" rating, the program 5B050900/6B04109-Finance takes the 23rd place in 2018, the 24th place in 2019, and the 35th place in 2020.