head of the department
сandidate of Economic Sciences
аssociate Professor

Tel.: +7 7212 77-01-30
28 Universitetskaya str., building №1, office 421

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Dates and facts

The Department of Management was established in 1972 from the moment of creation of Karaganda State University. The original name of the department is "Economics and Logistics Planning". The founder of the department was the Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Sagindykov Urzhan Sagyndykovich. For many years, such well-known specialists as Gorodnichev S. I., Baidullaev B. B., Amenova S. S., Aubakirova A. A., Seidualin D. A., Bokizhanova F. I. worked at the department. At various times, the department was managed by Professors Amenova S. S., Baidullaev B. B., Karenov R. S.
Since 1994, the Department of Marketing, and from 2002 to 2019, the Department of Management was headed by R. S. Karenov.
In 2002, due to the increased volume of teaching load, the department was divided into the departments of "Marketing" and "Management".
Since 2019, the department is headed by Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Mambetova Sagynysh.

Currently, the department employs 15 full-time teachers with academic degrees and Masters of Science. Representatives of the business community work part-time, which has a positive effect on the quality component of the disciplines taught. Teachers Karenov R. S., Akybaeva G. S., Davletbaeva N. B. are holders of the title of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan "The best university teacher", as well as Karenov R. S. and Yerzhanova S. K. are academicians of the International Academy of Informatization.
One of the scientists at the department is Professor R. S. Karenov, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, academician of the International Academy of Informatization, academician of the International Academy of Science and Practice of Production Organization, under his leadership more than 50 candidates and doctors of Science defended themselves. He made a significant contribution to the development of science of our university, as well as gave brilliant knowledge to students.
Teachers of the department speak several foreign languages (English, German), which is confirmed by the relevant international certificates.
The profiles of the teaching staff are actively represented in the scientometric databases Scopus, Clarivate Analytics (Publons), Google Scholar, ResarchGate, ORCID, LinkedIn and many others, which allows them to actively collaborate with foreign colleagues in the preparation of joint scientific publications, grant projects, and various international events.

Academic mobility and internships:
Teachers of the department constantly improve their skills. They go on foreign business trips, scientific internships, attend conferences, symposiums, seminars, study on international educational platforms such as Coursera (more than 30 certificates were received for the 2019-2021 academic years):
- March-April 2012-Ph. D. in Economics, Associate Professor S. S. Yerzhanova visited the University of Peche, Institute of Tourism, Seksard, Hungary, as part of a research trip.
- March 2013-Ph. D. in Economics, Associate Professor S. S. Yerzhanova visited the University of Pec, Institute of Tourism, Seksard, Hungary, as part of a research trip.
- March-April 2012-Ph. D. in Economics, Associate Professor S. S. Yerzhanova visited the University of Peche, Institute of Tourism, Seksard, Hungary, as part of a research trip.
- In 2014-Ph. D. in Economics, Professor N. B. Davletbaeva visited the Ternopil National University of Economics (Ukraine) as part of a research trip.
- In 2018-Ph. D. in Economics, Professor N. B. Davletbaeva visited the Peoples ' Friendship University of Russia (Russia) as part of a research trip.
- In 2018-Ph. D. in Economics, Professor N. B. Davletbaeva visited the Higher School of Economics (Prague) as part of a research trip.

To date, the total number of students of the department is about 224 people, about 10% of which are on a state educational grant. The average increase in students in the department's specialties over the past three years was 25%, which indicates the popularity of the offered educational programs. Students of the department annually become holders of presidential scholarships, scholarships of the First President's Foundation, prize-winners of international and national Olympiads, scientific and creative competitions.
Students of the department demonstrate outstanding success in their studies and scientific activities. Many students and undergraduates are winners and prize-winners of international and national subject Olympiads and scientific competitions. Students also have the opportunity to complete a two-degree educational program.

Dual Degree Programs:
Strategic partners are: MEPhI (Russia), North Ossetian State University named after Kosta Levanovich Khetagurov, Vitebsk State Technological University (Belarus) and the University of Economics of Prague (Czech Republic). Upon graduation, students receive European-style diplomas.

Employment opportunities:
The average percentage of employment in bachelor's programs is about 90%, in master's programs-100%.

Accreditation and leadership:
All programs of the department have national accreditation and occupy worthy positions in national rankings: in 2020, the bachelor's degree program "State and Local Administration" took the 5th place in the "Atameken" rating among 27 Kazakh universities that train bachelors of public administration in the EP" State and Local Administration", as well as the group of bachelor's degree programs "Management" took the 3rd place in the IAAR ranking. The EP "Management" (Master's degree) took the 3rd place in the National Rating of IQAA and the EP "State and Local Administration" (Master's degree) took the 4th place.