In accordance with the decision of the Scientific Council of E.A. Buketov KSU of October 10, 2013 for the implementation of the State program "People in the stream of history" by order of the rector No. 141 of 05.02.2014 on the basis of the History Faculty, an interdisciplinary scientific research Center "Tulgatanu" was created.

Head: Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor Beisenbekova N.A. . ORCID ID: 0000-0002-5156-5015.

Scientific directions:

  • Historical Personalistics: Theory and Methodology
  • The Role of Personality in World and National History
  • History of ethnic groups in Central Kazakhstan
  • Historical personalities and modernization of public consciousness

The goal - goal is to study the life and activities of historical figures, their spiritual heritage and role in the development of society. The thesis "History is created by individuals" and the state program "People in the stream of history" are taken as the basis.

Scientific connections:

  • Institute of Asian and African Countries of Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia - Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Zh.S. Syzdykova;
  • J. Nehru University, New Delhi, India - PhD Gaur Punit;
  • Center for Asian Studies at J. Nehru University, New Delhi, India - PhD Mundira Dutta;
  • Ministry of Integration of the State of Baden-Württemberg - referent, PhD A. Buller;
  • Department of History, Heritage and Protestant Theology of Lucian Blaga University, Romania;
  • National Academy of Education named after I. Altynsarin, Kazakhstan;
  • Bayanaul Memorial Museum of Academician K. I. Satpayev, Kazakhstan

Affiliate support:

  • Internal Policy Department of the Karaganda region
  • "Saryarqaaqparat" media holding
  • "Rukhani zhagyru" project office of the Karaganda region
  • MPI "Kogamdyk kelisim" of the Internal Policy Department of the Karaganda region ("Kazaktanu" project)
  • Karaganda regional department of culture, archives and documentation
  • Karaganda regional museum of history and local lore
  • MPI "Center for the Preservation of Historical and Cultural Heritage"
  • Department of Education of the Karaganda region
  • Educational and methodological center of the education development of the Karaganda region
  • Branch of JSC National Center for Professional Development "Orleu" Institute of teachers professional development in the Karaganda region

Affiliate sites:

  • MPI "School-gymnasium named after Akhmet Baitursynov": the course "Alash kozgalysy zhane memleketshildik" was introduced into the educational process
  • MPI "Gymnasium No. 39 named after M. Zhumabayev": the course "Alash kozgalysy zhane rukhani zhangyru" has been introduced into the educational process
  • MPI "School-gymnasium named after Al-Farabi": the course "Tulgatanu zhane ulttyk intelligentsia" has been introduced into the educational process

Institute staff


Full name, position

Academic degree, title


Web of Science (ResearcherID)

Scopus AuthorID



Beisenbekova N.A., director

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor




ID 44683525


Shotbakova L.K., Senior Research Officer

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor






Smagulova G.M., Junior Research Officer

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor






Tarybayeva A.K., engineer

2nd year master’s student





Implemented projects:

Grant project of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. AP05133627 for 2018-2020 "Historical knowledge as the basis of spiritual modernization and renewal of the national consciousness of the young generation of the Republic of Kazakhstan (based on materials of Central Kazakhstan)", performers: L.K. Shotbakova, G.M. Smagulova Within the framework of the grant, it was published:

  • Tuleuova B.T., Zueva L.I., Smagulova G.M., Kenzhegali Zh.M. Using the possibilities of museums in teaching history: teaching aid. - Karaganda: Publishing house of LLP "Pegaso", 2018. - 102 p.
  • Tuleuova B.T., Shotbakova L.K., Smagulova G.M. Evaluation of the significance of historical knowledge in the structure of identity of studying youth in Central Kazakhstan: an analytical report based on the results of a sociological study. - Karaganda: Publishing house of LLP "Pegaso", 2019. - 76 p.
  • Formation of historical knowledge in the context of a competence-based model of education: new approaches and technologies: a collection of articles. - Karaganda: Publishing house of "Pegaso" LLP, 2019. - 116 p.
  • Modern history teacher: from historical knowledge to profession: materials of the round table. - Karaganda: Publishing house of LLP "Pegaso", 2019. - 112 p.
  • Historical knowledge in the context of the updated content of education: materials of the round table. - Karaganda: Publishing house of "Pegaso" LLP, 2020. - 62 p.

Published monographs and textbooks:

  1. Beisenbekova N.A., Smagulova G.M., Shotbakova L.K. Alikhan Bukeikhan - ult maktanyshy. - Karaganda: Publishing house "Glasir", 2016. - 198 p.
  2. Beisenbekova N.A., Shotbakova L.K., Smagulova G.M., Orazbekova G.B. and others. Cultural heritage of ethnic groups of Kazakhstan: history and modernity (based on materials of Central Kazakhstan). -Karaganda: Publishing house "Alfaprint", 2018. - 284 p.
  3. Popov Yu.G., Shotbakova L.K., Smagulova G.M. Creators and witnesses of the Karkaralinsk history. - Karaganda: Publishing house “SANAT-Polygraphy” LLP, 2019. - 338 p.
  4. Ortalyk Kazakhstannyn tarikhi tulgasy: Mustakym Maldybayev. Shygarmalar men kuzhattar zhinagy.: Eldos Toktarbai, Nursakhan Beisenbekova. - Karaganda: Publishing house "Sanat", 2020. - 204 p.
  5. Beisenbekova N.A., Smagulova G.M., Shotbakova L.K. Nugmet Nurmakov - tarikhi tulga: derektik zhane tarikhnamalyk taldau. - Karaganda: Publishing house "Tais", 2020. - 213 p.
  6. Tuleuova B.T., Smagulova G.M., Shotbakova L.K., Zueva L.I., Gorovoy V.V., Kenzhegali Zh.M. Historical knowledge as the basis for the modernization of public consciousness: experience, practice, new approaches. - Karaganda: Publishing house "Pegaso" LLP, 2020. - 308 p.
  7. Beisenbekova N., Shotbakova L.K., Smagulova G., Abdikerova B. Olketanu. Karagandy oblysy. Zhalpy bilim beretin mekteptin 5, 6, 7 - synyp okushylaryna arnalgan. - Almaty: "Almatykіtap baspasy", 2018. - 146 p. / Beisenbekova N., Shotbakova L.K., Tuleuova B., Kozhakhmetova G. Regional studies. Karaganda region. Textbook for pupils in 5, 6, 7 grades of secondary school. - Almaty: "Almatykіtap baspasy", 2018. - 152 p.