head of the department
doctor PhD
Professor assistant
Tel.: +7 7212 77 00 36
E-mail: Kafedra2017_315@mail.ru
st. Mukanov 1, building №8
Dates and facts
The Department of Philosophy and Theory of Culture is one of the leading departments of the university. It was formed on the basis of the Department of Philosophy and Political Economy of the Karaganda Pedagogical Institute in 1968. The department was headed by Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Professor Saginova Mariyam Saginovna, the first woman philosopher in Kazakhstan who defended her Ph.D. thesis.
For 20 years, starting from 1972, the department was headed by Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Klescheva Raisa Akhmetovna, who made a huge contribution to the development of the scientific potential of the department.
The heads of the department in different years were Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Abzhanov Toleugazy Iskakovich, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Kolumbaev Bisembay Ergalievich, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Alimbaev Abilmanat Amirkhanovich, Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor Jalilov Kurban Shamilievich, Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor Imanbekovich Mirlan Imanbekovich , Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Karipbaev Bayzhol Iskakovich, Ph.D. Associate Professor Sagatova Asem Serikovna. candidate of philosophical sciences, associate professor Kusbekov Duman Karibekovich.
Currently, the head of the department is the Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor Balshikeev Serik Baltabaevich. The department employs 20 full-time teachers, including doctors, candidates and masters of science, holder of the republican title "The best teacher of the university" (professor B. Karipbaev)
Today, 27 people are trained at the department. There are students from neighboring countries: Russia, Mongolia, Uzbekistan, as well as representatives from other regions of Kazakhstan: South Kazakhstan region, Pavlodar region, East Kazakhstan region, Kostanay region, Akmola region.
The graduates of the department are in demand in the labor market, 90% of them are employed immediately after graduating from the university.
Accreditation and Leadership:
All programs of the department are accredited and in demand. They have been occupying decent positions in national rankings for the past three years.
In the process of training specialists in educational programs, the department cooperates with the following organizations: the Department of Religious Affairs of the Karaganda region, the Department of Internal Policy of the Karaganda region, KSU "Center for the Study and Analysis of the Problems of Interfaith Relations of the Karaganda Region", Information and Analytical Center of the Karaganda Region, Medical University of Karaganda, Karaganda Banking College named after J.C. Bukenov.
Foreign partners of the department are the Department of Philosophy and the Department of Interdisciplinary Arts of Ohio University (USA), the Faculty of Hussite Theology of Charles University (Czech Republic), the Department of Philosophy of Omsk State University named after I. F.M. Dostoevsky, Department of Socio-Economic and Humanitarian Disciplines, Bashkir State Agrarian University.