head of the department
doctor PhD
Professor assistant
Tel.: +7 7212 77 00 36
E-mail: Kafedra2017_315@mail.ru
st. Mukanov 1, building №8
Educational programs
6В02201 «Philosophy»: Bachelor's degree. The program is related to the study of philosophical knowledge and methodology. In the process of training, the student will learn research, teaching and educational and expert advisory activities. The graduate will receive a bachelor's degree and will be able to teach philosophy and socio-humanitarian disciplines in secondary educational institutions, work as a social analyst in government structures, public organizations and private companies, an anthropologist and ethnologist, consulting organizations on the problems of national movements, interethnic relations, population migration, national mentality; to be a specialist in scientific, educational and social funds.
6В02202 «Religious studies»: Bachelor's degree. The program is related to the study of knowledge about religion for the further improvement of the Kazakh model of religious tolerance and interfaith harmony. In the course of training, the student will reach a professional level in the field of religious relations in modern society. The graduate will receive a bachelor's degree and will be able to work as a specialist in consulting and expert work, an adviser on management and religious issues, a consultant manager on religion and culture, teach in secondary educational institutions, be a specialist in culture and religion in the diplomatic service, a consultant on issues state-legal, inter-religious and inter-confessional relations.
7M02201 - Philosophy: master's degree. The program is aimed at training qualified specialists in the field of philosophical knowledge, who can use a complex of modern knowledge about topical philosophical problems and ways to solve them in various areas of professional activity in the spheres of public life, who are able to apply the acquired knowledge and skills in social activities and personal development. Undergraduates are offered to study topical disciplines, including «Commercialization of the results of scientific and technical activities», «Philosophy of Innovation», «History and philosophy of science», «Philosophy of education», «Philosophy of Culture (in English)», «Philosophical aspects of social modernization in Kazakhstan», « Organization and planning of scientific studies in the humanities», « Modern кazakh philosophy », « Anthropological discourse in the Kazakh philosophy», « Human in Man (in English)» and others. Graduates receive a Master of Humanities degree in the educational program "7M02201-Philosophy" and can work in the higher education system, research centers, state and local governments, work as a social analyst in government agencies, public organizations and private companies, as a referent, manager in sphere of social and cultural work etc.
8D02201 - Philosophy: Doctoral studies. The program is aimed at training highly qualified, internationally competitive researchers, professional and scientific elite with a high level of general and professional culture, capable of self-development and social adaptation based on educational, pedagogical and research activities. Doctoral students are offered to study topical disciplines, including «Methodology of Scientific Research», «Academic writing», « Actual problems of Kazakh philosophy», «Modern postnonclassical philosophy», «Social activity», «Management philosophy», « Problems of spiritual and moral values in the Turkic worldview». Graduates receive a PhD degree in the educational program "8D02201-Philosophy" and can teach at higher educational institutions, engage in research activities, management in education, and work in government bodies