Lyubov Reonaldovna

head of the department
сandidate of Philology

E-mail: rusyazilit@bk.ru
Mukanov st., 1, housing № 8

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Dates and facts

The history of the department dates back to May 9, 1938 - the day of the founding of the Karaganda Teachers' Institute, on the basis of which the Pedagogical Institute was formed in 1952, in 1972 – Academician Ye.A. Buketov Karaganda State University, in 2020 - Academician Ye.A. Buketov Karaganda University.
The Faculty of Philology began with one department - the Department of Language and Literature, which combined all disciplines of Kazakh and Russian philology, as well as a foreign language.
In the 1950s, the departments were divided and the Department of Russian Language and Literature was formed. Then linguists separated from literary critics, so in 1957 the Department of Russian Linguistics was created on the basis of the section of the Russian language, which was headed by Associate Professor T.G. Ziborova and directed it until 1976. In 1962, the Department of Methods of Teaching the Russian Language and Literature was organized thanks to the efforts of G.A. Meiramov, who headed it. The scientific school created by him made it possible to open a new specialty "Russian language and literature in the Kazakh school". The scientific and methodological concept of Professor G.A. Meiramov is fundamental to this specialty. The G.A. Meiramov’s concept is actively in demand at the present time in Russian schools, especially in Moscow, where representatives of different nationalities study. Our united departments are proudly named after Professor G.A. Meiramov, whose 100th birthday anniversary celebrated in November 2018, the Department of Russian Literature, also created in 1957, was headed by Alexander Petrovich Spasibenko, then by Associate Professor Kh.M. Dzhumabayeva, she also headed the Faculty of Philology for many years. Following the opening of the Department of Teaching Methods and Literature, the Department of the Practical Course of the Russian Language was opened, which was headed by Associate Professor Shakar Mukharyamovna Syzdykova.
With the opening of the university in 1972, a new page was opened in the history of the university and our department. Certainly, these were difficult years, it was necessary to transfer training to university programs and plans, to provide students with textbooks and other necessary literature. Invaluable help was provided by scientists and specialists of KazSU. The courses of ancient Greek and Latin languages were introduced. Over the years, the university gradually becomes a scientific and scientific-methodological center. The faculty and the department began to hold scientific conferences, so in 1974, under the leadership of Professor G.A. Meiramov, an interuniversity scientific and methodological conference was held on topical issues of increasing the effectiveness of teaching the Russian language and literature. Teachers improved their qualifications at leading universities throughout the Soviet Union, especially often traveled to Moscow State University for this purpose. Teachers of the department Tanabaeva A.M., Orazgalieva F.Sh., Toksanbaeva Sh.A. entered the target postgraduate studies of KazSU, Moscow State University, defended themselves and joined the ranks of candidates of sciences.
On the basis of the Department of Russian Linguistics, a department of the General Linguistics was opened. The Department of General Linguistics was replenished with personnel from all over the Union, headed by Associate Professor Chukuev A.A., then by Baymagambetova L.N. The formation of the department was facilitated by graduates of the Leningrad State University Dzhalilova G.I., Kritskiy B.I., began to work at the department Ivanova L.S., Uysumbaev K.Kh., in connection with its specialization at the faculty, students studied the Polish language. Great support to the faculty and our departments was provided by the rector of the university, academician E.A. Buketov, who was a man of multifaceted talent, first of all a scientist-chemist and at the same time a writer and translator. Gradually the departments of the faculty turned into scientific centers, our teachers began to defend doctoral dissertations, their works are well-known in the republic: Zh.N. Zhunusova, G.Yu. Amanbaeva, Zh.T. Balmagambetova, Pak M.K.
The Department of Russian and Foreign Literature was actively developing: professors Teng A.N., Matyash S.A., Savchenko T.T., Baitanaeva B.A., Zeifert E.I. defended their doctoral dissertations. The scientific schools created by them have made a significant contribution to Kazakh and Russian science. The activities of scientists and teachers such as Nesterov Yu.D., Bekturov Zh.Zh., Tsoi E.P., Smagulova R.Sh., Lyubonskaya L.P., Popov A.N., Bralina S.Zh, Gorbunova G.Z. have been noted for significant achievements in the field of scientific and methodological work. Thanks to the fruitful work of scientific schools, Bokusheva G.A., Mustoyapova A.T., Shevlyakova L.R., Kharitonova L.M., Dyakov D.V. defended dissertations and joined the ranks of the teaching staff of the department associate professors.
The core staff of the Department of Methodology and Practice of Teaching Russian Language and Literature was made up of the students of G.A. Meyramov, his colleagues Esbaeva R.Kh., Alibekova G.M., Bisembaeva B.B., Budanova L.S., Bayamanova R.G., Yakovleva N.N., Mamedova M.G., Aitkenova R.A., Baygunusova G.I. and many others who were the successors of the scientific and methodological traditions of the department.

Combining the scientific and methodological achievements of its predecessors, the Department of Russian Language and Literature named after G.A. Meiramov has high potential. The faculty includes 2 doctors of philological sciences, 9 candidates of philological sciences, 1 doctor of philosophy in the profile of Russian language and literature.

The contingent of students is growing: in the period from 2018 to 2020 the number of students entering our specialties has grown from 10 to 40 students. We have students from other republics and from other regions of Kazakhstan.

Employment rate of graduates is 100%.
Educational programs:
Department provides training in the innovative educational program "Applied Philology" (Master's degree).

Accreditation and Leadership:
All educational programs of the department have national accreditation in IQAA. In the rating of educational programs "Atameken", the program "Russian Language and Literature" takes 7th place, the program "Philology" takes 5th place (2018, 2019). According to the results of the XII National rating of IQAA 2020, the program 6В01703 - Russian language and literature took 1st place.

Academic mobility:
Associate Professor Kharitonova L.M. twice (2014, 2017) went as a visiting lecturer to the University. J. Komensky (Bratislava, Slovakia). Senior Lecturer Antonova E.M. completed an international research internship at Altai State University on the topic: "Forensic linguistic examination: analytical and expert activities of a philologist-practitioner." Professors Lubor Matejko, Stanislav Benchich, Associate Professor Mihai Freshli delivered guest lectures for students of the Faculty of Philology from 2014 to 2018. Students of Omsk State University were trained at the department as part of the student exchange program.

The department has a wide network of international contacts with both Russian and European universities: M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, St. Petersburg State University, RUDN University, Altai State University, Chuvash Pedagogical University named after I.Ya. Yakovleva, Moscow Linguistic Institute, Belarusian State University, Y. Komensky University (Bratislava, Slovakia), Eurasian Academy (Bratislava, Slovakia), G. Seila University (Komarno, Slovakia), West-Hungarian University (Szombathely, Hungary).

International annual essay competition in the Russian language with the Y. Komensky University (Bratislava, Slovakia) (since 2017) and the Chuvash Pedagogical University named after I. Ya. Yakovleva. Within the framework of a joint project of the Slavic Intercultural Research Group, which includes lecturers of the department and scientists from the West Hungarian University, 2 collective monographs have been published related to issues of language and literature in the socio-cultural space.

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