doctor PhD in Philosophy
Tel.: +7 7212 770388
st. Mukanova, 1, building №8
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Dates and facts
The Faculty of Philosophy and Psychology was opened in November 1995. The first dean of the faculty is Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Kolumbaev Bisembay Ergalievich. Over the years, the deans were candidate of philosophical sciences, associate professor Jalilov Kurban Shamilevich, doctor of philosophical sciences, professor Alimbaev Abilmanat Amirkhanovich. candidate of psychological sciences, professor Sabirova Raikhan Shaikhyshevna, doctor of philosophical sciences, professor Karipbaev Baizhol Iskakovich. Since 2017, the faculty is headed by the candidate of philosophical sciences, associate professor Kusbekov Duman Karibekovich.
In the first years of the faculty's work, training was carried out in three specialties: "Philosophy", "Psychology", "Sociology". In 1996, the specialty "Political Science" was opened, in 2001 - "Culturology", in 2003 - "Religious Studies".
The Department of Philosophy and Theory of Culture prepares bachelors, undergraduates, doctoral students in the areas of "Philosophy", "Culturology" and "Religious Studies". At the department, there is a Scientific Laboratory for the Comprehensive Study of the Modern Religious Situation in Kazakhstan, where, along with their mentors, students and undergraduates conduct scientific research. An important element in attracting students to scientific research was the opening of the Museum of Religious Studies, on the basis of which representatives of state bodies, public associations, religious organizations, students of colleges and schools meet.
The Department of Psychology was opened in 1990 on the basis of the Faculty of Biology, then it was attached to the Faculty of Philosophy and Psychology. The first head of the department was Doctor of Psychology, Professor Dzhakupov Satybaldy Mukataevich. In the future, the department was headed by Associate Professor Olga Grigorievna Blok; Doctor of Psychology, Professor Amirova Svetlana Aubakirovna; Olga Vladimirovna Nikiforova, PhD in Psychology, Associate Professor; candidate of psychological sciences, associate professor SabirovaRaikhanShaikhyshevna, candidate of psychological sciences, associate professor Kapbasova Gulzada Bayyrovna. Currently, the department is headed by the candidate of psychological sciences, professor Sabirova Raikhan Shaikhyshevna. The graduates of the department are in demand in the labor market of Kazakhstan and the near and far abroad. The department has a "Center for psychological support of educational activities."
An integral part of the history of the faculty is the Department of Political Science and Sociology, which was created in 1991 on the basis of the Department of Social and Political Theory. The first graduation of political scientists took place in 1999. A year later, sociologists graduated. The heads of the department in different periods were Doctor of Philosophy Tumanshin Kakherman Mukarimovich, Candidate of Historical Sciences Rogalev Viktor Pavlovich, Candidate of Historical Sciences Esengaraev Eset Zhenisbekovich, Candidate of Sociological Sciences Valitova Zulfiya Khafizovna, Candidate of Political Sciences Kosherbayev Dastan Bakytbekuly. At the moment, the department is headed by Doctor PhD BeisenovaAigulAmanzhanovna.
In 2014, the Department of Social Work and Social Pedagogy was added to the Faculty of Philosophy and Psychology. She was one of the first in the republic to start training social workers and social educators. The staff of the department has wide international relations with various higher educational institutions and organizations whose activities are related to the professionalization of social workers, social teachers, specialists in cultural and leisure work. The department has a "Self-knowledge Cabinet".
Over the years of its existence, the faculty has made a significant contribution to the development of the Central Kazakhstan region, having trained more than a thousand specialists. Faculty graduates work in the state administration apparatus, law enforcement agencies, schools, universities, research centers, and enterprises.
The contingent of students studying at the faculty for the last three years has increased by one and a half times. Today the faculty has 845 students, of which 269 are holders of an educational grant, three are signs of "AltynBelgi". Among the students of the faculty are citizens of foreign countries: Russia, Ukraine, Mongolia, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, as well as representatives of different regions of Kazakhstan. Faculty graduates are in demand in the labor market.
The faculty employs 65 teachers, including doctors, candidates, masters of science, PhD doctors and holders of the republican title "The best teacher of the university."
Accreditation and Leadership:
All programs of the faculty are accredited in IQAA and occupy and occupy high positions in national ratings.
Lomonosov Moscow State University (Russia)
Russian State Social University (Russia)
Sochi State Pedagogical University (Russia)
Omsk State University named after F.M. Dostoevsky (Russia)
Bashkir Agrarian State University (Russia)
Institute of Psychotherapy and Clinical Psychology (Russia)
Saint Petersburg State University (Russia)
Barnaul State Pedagogical University (Russia)
Tomsk State University (Russia)
International Academy of Psychological Sciences (Russia)
Institute of Sociology RAS (Russia)
Higher School of Economics (Russia)
University of Clinical Psychology (Canada)
Siirtuniversitesi (Turkey)
Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami (Uzbekistan)
Center for Gender Studies of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation (Germany)
Central European University Budapest (Hungary)
HESP Foundation, at the Open Society Institute (Hungary)
Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi (Romania)
Charles University (Czech Republic)
Harvard University (USA)
Society for the Study of Central Eurasia (USA).